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Best Immigration Law Attorneys in California

Alison Yew
Yew Immigration Law Group, a P.C.
San Jose, CA
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Anish Vashistha
Law Firm of Anish Vashistha, A.P.L.C.
Los Angeles, CA
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Lincoln Lee Stone
Stone Grzegorek & Gonzalez LLP
Los Angeles, CA
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Geri Nadine Kahn
Law Office of Geri N. Kahn
San Francisco, CA
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Win Eaton
Eaton and Associates
Bakersfield, CA
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David Froman
Froman Law Firm
San Diego, CA
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Naoki Sekiya
Sekiya Law Office
Torrance, CA
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David Hirson
David Hirson & Partners, LLP
Costa Mesa, CA
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Elsa I Martinez
Law Offices of Elsa Martinez
Culver City, CA
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Eliana Phelps
The Law Offices of Eliana Phelps
Murrieta, CA
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More Noteworthy California Attorneys

California Immigration Law Legal Resources

Helpful Videos

Karlin & Karlin: Los Angeles Personal Injury Attorneys

First Consulting Group - Honesty and Transparency

Immigration Law Bar Associations and Legal Organizations

American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) - The AILA promotes justice, advocates for fair and reasonable immigration law and policy, advances the quality of immigration and nationality law and practices to enhance the professional development of its members. American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) is a national organization providing training, education and resources to immigration lawyers practicing throughout the US.

Specialty Certifications in Immigration Law

Immigration Law - An immigration specialist is an attorney who has been board certified by the State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization (CBLS). He or she has demonstrated substantial involvement in the practice of immigration law. The immigration system is extraordinarily complex with many difficult issues, therefore, it is important that an attorney has an understanding of it. Immigration Specialists have met the rigorous application requirements by passing exams, demonstrating experience, and participating in the field amongst other requirements.

California Government and Court Resources

California Attorney General

California Attorney General - California's Office of the Attorney General was created in 1850. The Attorney General oversees lawyers, officers, investigators, and law enforcement agencies. The responsibilities and duties are detailed in California's Constitution and state government codes. Also, the Officer is the head of the Department of Justice. Under the state Constitution, some of the responsibilities include safeguarding the public from criminals, support criminal investigations, and much more. One of the missions of the Attorney General's Office is to enforce and apply all of California's laws fairly and impartially.

California Judicial Branch

California Judicial Branch - In 1926, the Judicial Branch was created by the constitutional amendment. The power to govern is divided into the executive, legislative and judicial branches. Additionally, the power of the judicial branch is given to the Supreme Court, Courts of Appeals, and superior courts. The judicial branch interprets the laws of the State of California, protects the rights of individuals, "provides for the orderly settlement of disputes between parties in controversy," and determines the guilt or innocence of those accused of violating the laws.

California State Legislature

California State Legislature - The California State Assembly is the governing body responsible for making laws and overseeing the state's policies. It is a bicameral institution, comprising the State Assembly, which has 80 members serving two-year terms, and the State Senate, consisting of 40 members with four-year terms. The Legislature convenes to propose, debate, and pass legislation on a wide range of issues, including education, healthcare, transportation, and the state budget. Its primary duties involve crafting and passing laws that shape the governance and well-being of California.

Supreme Court of California

Supreme Court of California - California's Supreme Court is the state's highest court, consisting of one chief justice and six associate justices. The chief justice and the associate justices are appointed or nominated by the Governor. California's Constitution gives the Supreme Court of California jurisdiction in all cases imposing capital punishment within the state. It also has the authority to review decisions by the California Courts of Appeals and by the Public Utilities Commission (Cal. Const., art. VI, ยง 11). The court chooses cases that address legal matters that are significant and relevant in the state.

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