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Employment Law Attorneys in Louisiana

Lawyer Legion Employment Law Information Center of Louisiana

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Employment Law Lawyers by Specialty

Best Employment Law Attorneys in Louisiana

Lawyer Legion created this list of the top picks in 2024 for the best employment law attorneys in Louisiana. To rank the top employment lawyers and other lawyers in Louisiana, we used both objective and subjective criteria.

The best employment law attorneys were selected based on their career accomplishments, success in high-profile cases, professional involvement, community leadership, and board certifications.

This list represents some of the most highly accomplished employment lawyers currently practicing in Louisiana. When reviewing this list, please be aware of each of the following:

  • Lawyers cannot pay to be included in this list.
  • Only lawyers who are active on Lawyer Legion were selected.
  • No online directory can accurately determine a statewide list of attorneys who are actually “the best” at practicing employment law (but our list comes close).
James L Carroll
Mixon, Carroll and Frazier PLLC
Columbia, LA
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Robert Landry III
Robert B Landry III, PLC
New Orleans, LA
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Michael Hebert
Becker & Hebert, L.L.C.
Lafayette, LA
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L. Clayton Burgess
The Law Offices of L. Clayton Burgess
Lafayette, LA
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James E. Sudduth III
Sudduth and Associates, LLC
Lake Charles, LA
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Imtiaz A Siddiqui
New Orleans, LA
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K. Todd Wallace
Wallace Meyaski, LLC
New Orleans, LA
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Richard A Montgomery II
Montgomery Law
New Orleans, LA
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More Noteworthy Louisiana Attorneys

Louisiana Employment Law Legal Resources

Employment Law Bar Associations and Legal Organizations

National Employment Lawyers Association (NELA) - The NELA is a national professional association of lawyers who represent employees against their employers and former employers in the areas of employment discrimination, illegal workplace harassment, wrongful termination, denial of employee benefits, and other employment-related matters. The National Employment Lawyers Association is the largest national association advocating for employees rights in the United States.

Specialty Certifications in Employment Law

Louisiana Board of Legal Specialization
Employment Law - The Employment Law Board Certification by the Louisiana Board of Legal Specialization is awarded to attorneys who demonstrate advanced knowledge and skill in employment law. To obtain this certification, attorneys must satisfy rigorous criteria. This certification assures clients that the attorney has a deep understanding of employment law and adheres to high standards of ethical and professional practice.

Louisiana Government and Court Resources

Louisiana Attorney General

Louisiana Attorney General - The Louisiana Attorney General serves as the chief legal officer for the state, and is elected by the people. The Attorney General's office is responsible for providing legal counsel to state agencies and officials, representing Louisiana in legal matters, both civil and criminal. This includes prosecuting and defending legal actions on behalf of the state, issuing legal opinions, and overseeing the enforcement of laws. The office addresses a variety of legal issues, such as consumer protection, public safety, and environmental concerns.

Louisiana Judicial Branch

Louisiana Judicial Branch - The Louisiana Judicial Branch holds a fundamental role in ensuring justice and upholding the law within the state. Its duties encompass interpreting and applying the law, With a legal system influenced by its civil law heritage and unique legal traditions, the Louisiana judiciary also plays a vital role in addressing legal issues specific to the state. Committed to fairness and accessibility, it protects the rights of all residents and maintain the rule of law throughout the Pelican State.

Louisiana State Legislature

Louisiana State Legislature - The Louisiana State Legislature operates as a bicameral body, comprising the Louisiana Senate and the Louisiana House of Representatives. The Senate consists of 39 members serving four-year terms, while the House has 105 members serving four-year terms as well. The Legislature is responsible for proposing, debating, and passing laws that govern the state. Its duties include formulating the state budget, levying taxes, and addressing various policy issues such as education, healthcare, and criminal justice.

Louisiana Supreme Court

Louisiana Supreme Court - The Louisiana Supreme Court acts as the highest judicial authority in the state, responsible for interpreting and administering the law. Its primary duty involves reviewing appeals from lower courts to ensure accurate interpretation and application of state laws and the constitution. The court's responsibilities encompass hearing a diverse range of cases, including civil, criminal, and constitutional matters, and establishing legal precedents that guide lower courts and legal practitioners throughout Louisiana. Additionally, the Louisiana Supreme Court oversees the regulation of attorneys, managing attorney admissions, setting ethical standards, and disciplining lawyers to uphold ethical conduct within the legal profession statewide.

Louisiana Workforce Commission

Louisiana Workforce Commission - The Louisiana Workforce Commission (LWC) oversees a broad spectrum of responsibilities aimed at supporting workforce development, enforcing labor laws, and facilitating unemployment insurance benefits within the state. Its primary duties involve administering workforce development programs, providing job training initiatives, and connecting job seekers with employment opportunities. The commission also enforces labor laws related to minimum wage, workplace standards, and fair employment practices to protect workers' rights. Additionally, LWC administers unemployment insurance benefits, offering financial assistance to eligible individuals during periods of unemployment.

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