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Juvenile Defense Lawyers

Lawyer Legion’s Juvenile Defense Information Center includes a directory of criminal defense attorneys focused on defending juveniles. You can use our attorney directory to find juvenile defense attorneys by state, city, or zip code.

The profiles have information on the attorney's membership and leadership in legal organizations related to juvenile justice, speaking engagements at quality CLE seminars, and participation in specialty certification programs. 

Lawyer Legion’s Juvenile Defense Information Center provides comprehensive resources such as federal and state laws, common questions and answers, and much more. 


Lawyer Legion Juvenile Defense Information Center

Search Directory for Juvenile Defense Lawyers

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Juvenile Defense Lawyers

Best Juvenile Defense Attorneys in the United States

James Gary Sullivan
James Sullivan and Associates
Houston, TX
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William B Connolly
Connolly & Shireman LLP
Houston, TX
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Christopher Neal Allen
Law Office of Chris Allen
Conroe, TX
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Jacqueline Goodman
Law Offices of Jacqueline Goodman
Fullerton, CA
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Brian Joslyn
Joslyn Law Firm
Columbus, OH
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V Iyer
Iyer Law Office, LLC
Englewood, CO
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Tad A Nelson
The Law Offices of Tad Nelson & Associates
Houston, TX
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Kevin Bennett
The Law Office of Kevin Bennett
Austin, TX
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Melinda Morris
Criminal Defense Lawyer
St. Petersburg, FL
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More Noteworthy Juvenile Defense Attorneys

Juvenile Defense Legal Resources

Helpful Videos

Joslyn Law Firm

Attorney Matt Horak of Horak Law discusses defending the accused

Juvenile Defense Bar Associations and Legal Organizations

National Juvenile Defender Center (NJDC) - The NJDC is a nonprofit that supports criminal defense attorneys and public defenders who represent children in juvenile court. The National Juvenile Defender Center's mission is to "promote justice for all children by ensuring excellence in juvenile defense." The organization advocates for juvenile justice reform across the United States. Members of the organization are provided with a platform to exchange information and build partnerships.

Specialty Certifications in Juvenile Defense

Juvenile Delinquency Law - Attorneys who earn certification as a specialist in juvenile delinquency law must meet certain standards for substantial involvement, specific task requirements, peer review, examination, and completion of continuing legal education requirements. Juvenile delinquency law is generally considered to be a subset of the larger category of criminal law. Also, it is known as juvenile justice, juvenile defense, or prosecution in juvenile court.
Juvenile Law - Learn more about how attorneys can become Board Certification in Juvenile Law in Florida. The minimum standards for juvenile law certification are explained in Rule 6-29.3. Task requirements include handling of at least 10 fully adjudicated trials or appellate proceedings arising from petitions for dependency, termination of parental rights, or delinquency, of which occurred during the five years immediately preceding application.
Juvenile Law - Since 2001, the Texas Board of Legal Specialization (TBLS) has been certifying attorneys as a specialist in juvenile law. For purposes of the board certification program, the term "juvenile law" is defined to include judicial and administrative proceedings for individuals under 17 years of age that are arrested or have been detained in a criminal matter.

United States Government and Court Resources

Supreme Court of the United States

Supreme Court of the United States - The Judiciary Act of 1789, Article III of the Constitution allowed for the establishment of the Supreme Court. Additionally, the United States Supreme Court is the highest in the Nation. It has jurisdiction over all state and federal cases that involve a violation of Constitutional or Federal laws. The court has the power of judicial review and is the interpreter of the Constitution. Furthermore, the court consist of the Chief Justice of the United States and associate justices.

United States Courts

United States Courts - Article III of the Constitution helped create the United States Courts. Congress also created several legislative courts, such as the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims, U.S. Tax Court, and U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces. Federal courts hear cases in which the United States is an interested party, bankruptcy cases, disputes between states, maritime law, and cases involving the violation of federal or constitutional laws. Additionally, the courts help decide what happened, what should be done about the situation, if a person committed the crime, and what punishment to give to the persons.

Federal Law Enforcement Agencies

ATF - Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives - The ATF is a federal law enforcement agency within the U.S. Department of Justice. The organization is tasked with investigating and preventing federal criminal offenses involving the illegal use, possession, and manufacturing of firearms and explosives; the illegal trafficking of alcohol and tobacco products; and acts of bombing, arson, and terrorism. Also, the agency regulates the sale, possession, and transportation of firearms and explosives in interstate commerce through licensing. Furthermore, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives partners with state and local law enforcement agencies to carry out tasks.

ATF - Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
99 New York Avenue NE,
Washington, 20226
DEA - Drug Enforcement Administration - The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) was founded in 1973. It is a U.S. federal law enforcement agency under the Department of Justice. Moreover, the agency enforces the Controlled Substances Act and is tasked with preventing illicit drug trafficking, growing, manufacturing, and distribution within the United States; and to provide support to non-enforcement programs to reduce the availability of unlawful drugs in the domestic and international market. Some of the primary responsibilities of the DEA include coordinating and cooperating with federal, state, and local law enforcement in interstate and international investigations; collaborating with the United Nations and other organizations to provide support to international drug control programs, and much more.

DEA - Drug Enforcement Administration
800 K Street, N.W,
Washington, 20001
DOJ - Department of Justice - On July 1, 1870, the Department of Justice (DOJ) was established. The department is tasked with handling all criminal prosecutions and civil lawsuits in which the United States has an interest. The 1870 Act is the foundation for the DOJ's authority because the Act created the Solicitor General. Nevertheless, the Department of Justice has gone through changes over the years such as additional roles that were created, for instance, the Deputy Attorney General. The additional offices, divisions, and other various components have assisted in making the Department of Justice (DOJ) into a productive law office which continues to be an enforcer of federal laws.

DOJ - Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW,
Washington, 20530
FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation - Protecting the American people and upholding the Constitution is the mission of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). They accomplish their tasks by working with other law enforcement and agents at the state, local, and international level to protect the United States from cyber attacks, terrorism, and other criminal threats. July 26, 1908, is considered to be the official date of the FBI because it was the first mission they had received - to conduct investigations on behalf of the Department of Justice (DOJ).

FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation
935 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest,
Washington, 20530

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