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Bankruptcy Lawyers in Connecticut

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Bankruptcy Lawyers by Specialty

Best Bankruptcy Attorneys in Connecticut

Dave Falvey
Action Advocacy
Groton, CT
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Christopher H McCormick
Steier & McCormick
West Hartford, CT
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William E Carter
Law Office of William E. Carter
East Berlin, CT
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William J Lasko
William J. Lasko, Attorney At Law, LLC
Stamford, CT
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Max L Rosenberg
Rosenberg, Whewell, & Hite, LLC
Stratford, CT
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Dana Eric Friedman
Harlow, Adams & Friedman P.C.
Milford, CT
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David Seidman
Law Offices of David Seidman, P.C
Rocky Hill, CT
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More Noteworthy Connecticut Attorneys

Connecticut Bankruptcy Legal Resources

Bankruptcy Bar Associations and Legal Organizations

National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys (NACBA) - The NACBA is a national professional organization comprised of attorneys who practice bankruptcy law representing consumer debtors. The organization provides resources and education to lawyers while also advocating for legislative changes to the Bankruptcy Code. The National Association for Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys offers many benefits to its members seeking to improve their practice by filing amicus briefs to assist them.

Specialty Certifications in Bankruptcy

Consumer Bankruptcy Law - The American Board of Certification (ABC) certifies lawyers as specialists in the area of consumer bankruptcy law. To earn certification, the attorney must apply and pass all requirements, including an examination. The attorney must demonstrate substantial involvement in representing individual debtors in Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy proceedings. Board-certified consumer bankruptcy lawyers are considered trusted experts in the field.

Connecticut Government and Court Resources

Connecticut General Assembly

Connecticut General Assembly - The Connecticut General Assembly functions as the legislative body of the state, operating under a bicameral system composed of the House of Representatives and the Senate. The House has 151 members serving two-year terms, while the Senate comprises 36 members serving two-year terms as well. As the primary legislative body, the General Assembly is responsible for proposing, debating, and passing laws that impact the state. This includes formulating the state budget, levying taxes, and addressing various policy issues ranging from education and healthcare to public safety and infrastructure.

Connecticut Judicial Branch

Connecticut Judicial Branch - The Connecticut Judicial Branch serves as the state's primary legal authority, responsible for interpreting and enforcing the law. Its duties encompass the resolution of civil and criminal cases, including matters such as contract disputes, criminal trials, and family law issues like divorce and child custody. Additionally, the Connecticut judiciary ensures the protection of individual rights, upholds the principles of due process, and oversees the fair administration of justice in the state.

Connecticut Office of the Attorney General

Connecticut Office of the Attorney General - The Connecticut Office of the Attorney General is the chief legal advisor for the state, led by the Attorney General who is elected by the people. This office is tasked with providing legal counsel to state agencies and officials, representing Connecticut in legal proceedings, and ensuring the fair enforcement of laws. The Attorney General plays a key role in prosecuting and defending the state in legal actions, issuing legal opinions, and addressing various matters such as consumer protection, civil rights, and environmental concerns.

Connecticut Supreme Court

Connecticut Supreme Court - The Connecticut Supreme Court serves as the highest judicial authority in the state, responsible for interpreting and applying the law in Connecticut. Its primary role involves reviewing appeals from lower courts to ensure the correct interpretation and application of state laws and the constitution. The court's duties encompass hearing a diverse range of cases, including civil, criminal, and constitutional matters, and establishing legal precedents that guide lower courts and legal practitioners across Connecticut. Additionally, the Connecticut Supreme Court oversees the regulation of attorneys, handling attorney admissions, setting ethical standards, and disciplining lawyers to uphold the integrity of the legal profession in the state.

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