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Lawyer Referral Service in Queens, NY

The Queens County Bar Association established a Lawyer Referral Service. The service helps individuals and businesses find a qualified and experienced attorney in Queens, NY, and the surrounding areas of New York City.

Attorneys that participate in the Lawyer Referral Service are screened for their good standing with the bar and the Queens County Bar Association. The attorneys are also screened for their ethics, experience and qualifications. The Lawyer Referral Service has 25 different categories or practice areas of the law.

Contact Information:

Queens County Bar Association LRS
90-35 148th Street
Jamaica, NY 11435
Phone: 718-291-4500

Using the Lawyer Referral Service in Queens County, NY

When you call the Lawyer Referral Service in Jamaica, NY, a trained staff person will talk with you about your legal concern to determine which type of attorney might be best for the case. The trained staff person will then refer you to the attorney and provide you with the attorney's contact information. When making the referral, the staff person is allows to consider special needs such as a language requirement.

After receiving the referral, you can contact the attorney to schedule a 30 minute consultation. The attorneys that participate in the service have agreed to charge a $35 consultation fee for a 30 minute consultation.

During the consultation you can discuss the legal issue and the fees for additional representation. The consultation fee is waived for personal injury cases and other tort matters typically handled on a straight contingency fee basis, all social security disability referrals, and all workers' compensation referrals.

Finding an Attorney in Queens, NY

If you need to find an attorney in Queens, NY, then consider the benefits of using a Lawyer Referral Service sponsored by the Queens County Bar Association in Jamaica, NY. The Lawyer Referral Service serves individuals and businesses in Queens County, New York City, Long Island, and Brooklyn, NY.

At Lawyer Legion, we understand the importance of Lawyer Referral Services in New York. These non-profit community based services have stood the test of time as an effective and efficient way to find a qualified attorney.