The Wichita Bar Association located in Wichita, KS, no longer offers a lawyer referral service.
If you need a referral to an attorney in Wichita, KS, then consider using the services of Kansas Bar Association (KBA) Lawyer Referral Service. The KBA LRS is a non-profit organization that can offer you guidance as you search for the right attorney to meet your needs.
To request a free referral, call the KBA Lawyer Referral Service at at 1 (800) 928-3111 or
The lawyers that participate in the lawyer referral service at screened. These attorneys are in good standing with Kansas Supreme Court. The staff at the lawyer referral service is friendly. If you can afford to hire an attorney, but don't know how to find the right one, then call them for help.
When you call the KBA Lawyer Referral Service, you will be connected with a Referral Representative who is experienced in analyzing potential legal problems like yours. Although the KBA LRS Referral Representatives is not an attorney, they might be able to help you find the right kind of attorney for your case.
If a lawyer’s advice is recommended, your Referral Representative will provide you with the contact information for an attorney who has agreed to talk with you. The service considers your specific legal problem as well as your location in order to make the most appropriate and convenient referral possible.
You can also use the Ask-A-Lawyer advice and information service for $2/min. The Referral Representatives are available between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. each weekday at 1-800-928-3111 or at All communications are confidential.
You can also use an online referral form or search online for an attorney. The online directory is composed only of members of the KBA. The KBA does not verify whether a listed attorney has malpractice insurance. Searching the directory is not the same as receiving a referral. KBA does not recommend or endorse any specific attorney or KBA member.
The online directory is provided solely as a services to KBA members and the public who wish to locate KBA members. All KBA members in this directory have elected to participate in this public listing. Because some members of the KBA have elected to OPT OUT of inclusion in the Directory, the fact a particular attorney is NOT listed should not be taken to mean that he or she is: not a lawyer; or not a member of the KBA.
The LRS helps individuals and businesses throughout Wichita, Sedgwick County, and the entire State of Kansas find an attorney experienced in a specific area of the law.
The service can also take into consideration any special requirements such as needing an attorney who speaks Spanish or another foreign language when making the referral.
If you need to find an attorney in Wichita, KS, Sedgwick County, or the surrounding areas throughout the state, then consider the benefits of using a Lawyer Referral Service sponsored by the Kansas Bar Association.
This service screens the attorneys for their good standing with the Kansas State Bar and interest in receiving referrals in a particular practice area of the law. The service can also help you find an attorney that speaks a foreign language or practices in a particular part of the state.
At Lawyer Legion, we understand the important role that the state and local bar association plays in helping the public find an attorney in Wichita and the surrounding areas throughout Kansas.
This article was last updated on Friday, November 16, 2018.