The Stanislaus County Bar Association sponsors a Lawyer Referral Service ("LRS"). This community based non-profit service is certified by the State Bar of California.
Attorneys that serve on the LRS panel are active members who pay annual dues. The attorneys on the LRS are required to carry malpractice insurance. The attorneys must meet minimum requirements for their practice area of the law.
The LRS has attorneys on panels for a wide variety of legal issues including but not limited to:
When you call the service located out of the offices in Medesto, CA, the trained staff will talk with you during a confidential intake process to determine your legal issue and help you determine the appropriate practice area.
The service will refer you to an attorney in that practice area. You must pay a $50 administrative fee for the referral. After the referral, you can contact that attorney for a free 30 minute consultation to discuss your case.
The bar association also manages an easy to use attorney directory to find members in Stanislaus County, CA.
Contact Information
Call between 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., on Monday through Thursday. The service is closed from noon to 1 p.m. each day.
Stanislaus County Bar Association Lawyer Referral ServiceIf you need to find an attorney in Stanislaus County, CA, then consider using a Lawyer Referral Service offered by the Stanislaus County Bar Association (SCBA). The SCBA LRS provides an alternative to searching the internet for an attorney or using an online directory.
At Lawyer Legion, we understand the importance of these community based services that help the public find a qualified attorney.
This article was last updated on Monday, December 30, 2019.