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Lawyer Referral Service in Santa Clara County

The Santa Clara County Bar Association sponsors a non-profit Lawyer Referral Service in San Jose, CA. For more than 20 years, this non-profit community service is certified by the State Bar of California. It helps individuals and businesses find a qualified attorney from its offices in San Jose, California.

When a person calls the service, a trained staff person takes the information. The staff is bilingual in English and Spanish. Based on the legal issue described, the staff refers the person to a qualified attorney with experience in that practice area.

You pay a $41 administration fee to SCCBA's Lawyer Referral Service for the referral. The person then contacts the attorney for a free 30 minute consultation to discuss the case.

In order for the attorney to become certified to serve on the LRS panel, the attorney must meet certain minimum qualifications required by state statute and California State Bar Rules and Regulations including:

  • confirming their experience and qualifications in a particular practice area of the law;
  • being active and in good standing with the California Bar; and
  • carrying legal malpractice insurance.

The attorneys serving on the LRS are qualified in a wide variety of practice areas of the law including, but are not limited to:

  • personal injury
  • auto accidents
  • medical malpractice
  • criminal defense
  • immigration
  • family lawbankruptcy

Contact Information

Santa Clara County Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service
4 North Second Street, Suite 400
San Jose, CA 95113
Phone: 408-971-6822
Fax: 408-287-6083
Website: https://sccba.community.lawyer/

Finding an Attorney in Santa Clara County

According to its website, the SCCBA receives approximately 35,000 calls each year. The referrals from those calls generate nearly one million dollars each year in attorney fees for the attorneys that participate in the service in San Jose and throughout Santa Clara County.

If you need to find an attorney in Santa Clara County or San Jose, CA, then consider using the Lawyer Referral Program sponsored by the SCCBA. These services provide an alternative to finding an attorney using an internet search or using an online attorney directory.

At Lawyer Legion we understand the importance of services that refer attorneys in California. If you need an attorney outside of Santa Clara County, then use our directory to find an attorney referral service that is closer to you.