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Lawyer Referral Service in Palo Alto, CA

At Lawyer Legion, we understand the important role that Lawyer Referral Services play in helping the public find a qualified attorney.

The Palo Alto Bar Association has established a Lawyer Referral Service. The Lawyer Referral Service helps individuals and businesses find an attorney in Palo Alto, as well as throughout San Mateo County and Santa Clara County. The service pre-screens attorneys who are chosen for panels based on their experience in a particular practice area.

The lawyer referral service also conducts certain follow up services including conducting surveys to monitor client satisfaction with the service. In California, a Lawyer Referral Service is regulated by the State Bar of California.

The Palo Alto Area Bar Association LRS is regulated by the State Bar of California. California State Bar Certification Number: 0009.

Contact Information

The Lawyer Referral Service for the Palo Alto Area Bar Association is opened from Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. The service is located at:

Palo Alto Area Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service
405 Sherman Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94306
Phone: (650) 326-8322
Website: https://www.paaba.org/lawyer-referral-service/

When you call the LRS at 650-326-8322, you will be provided with a 30 minute appointment in the office or on the phone with a qualified attorney in exchange for a $40 administrative fee.

During that consultation, you can ask the attorney legal questions and seek advice about how to solve your legal problem and the fees needed to retain the attorney for additional services.

The Palo Alto Area Bar Association screens the attorneys participating in the Lawyer Referral Service to ensure. The Lawyer Referral Service also conducts regular surveys about client satisfaction which helps them improve the services they provide.

Practice Areas for the Palo Alto Lawyer Referral Service

The Lawyer Referral Service of the Palo Alto Area Bar Association provides referrals to attorneys in the following practice areas:

  • Criminal Law
  • Personal Injury / Wrongful Death
  • Bankruptcy
  • Family Law
  • Immigration
  • Landlord-Tenant
  • Probate
  • Real Property
  • Trusts, Wills, and Estate Planning
  • Business Law
  • Employment Law

Fun Facts About the PAABA

The Palo Alto Area Bar Association was founded in 1934. Members practice law in San Mateo County and Santa Clara County. PAABA’s Lawyer Referral Service helps the public find a qualified and local attorney to help them address a legal problem. For attorneys, the PAABA provides continuing legal education (CLE) and networking opportunities.

Events of the PAABA include a golf tournament at Stanford which benefits the organizations that provide pro bono legal services to the residents of East Palo Alto and eastern Menlo Park. Other activites include the Community Law Night, a free drop in legal clinic open to anyone from Palo Alto and the surrounding communities.

PAABA also manages a member-only directory.

Finding an Attorney in Palo Alto, CA

If you are looking for an attorney in Palo Alto, CA, then consider calling the Lawyer Referral Service of the Palo Alto Area Bar Association. The service provides referrals to qualified attorneys in Palo Alto and throughout Santa Clara County and San Mateo County.

These non-profit community based services provide an important alternative to finding an attorney in an online directory.

This article was last updated on Friday, January 17, 2020.