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Lawyer Referral Service in Alameda County

For more than 40 years, the Lawyer Referral Service (LRS) of the Alameda County Bar Association has been helping people find a qualified attorney. The Lawyer Referral Service is located in Oakland, CA.

The attorneys on the panel are pre-screened for their knowledge and experience in a particular practice area. Additionally, each of these attorneys are required to carry malpractice insurance.

If you need an attorney in one of 100 different areas of law, the service can refer you an attorney that is rigorously screened for experience, knowledge and professionalism.

When you call, a referral coordinator on staff will talk with you about the legal issue to determine what type of attorney is needed. For a $35 fee, the staff will give you the contact information for two attorneys. The fee covers a 30 minute consultation with each of these attorneys. Keep in mind that the The average rate for attorneys in California ranges from $200 to $400 per hour.

During the consultation, you can talk with the attorney about your legal problem and the fees to retain the attorney. 

Contact Information

The LRS phones are open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Monday through Friday, but no walk-in appointments are permitted.

Alameda County Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service
1000 Broadway, Suite 480
Oakland, CA 94607

Call: 510-302-ACBA (2222), option 4
Website: https://www.acbanet.org/need-a-lawyer/
You can also request an attorney online: https://www.acbanet.org/request-a-lawyer/

Finding an Attorney in Alameda County

If you want to find an attorney in Alameda County, then consider the services offered by Lawyer Referral Services. At Lawyer Legion, we understand the importance of Lawyer Referral Services in California.

These community based non-profit services provide an effective way to find a local attorney with experience in the needed practice area. These services offered by the local bar association provide an alternative way to find the right attorney.