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Lawyer Referral Service in Birmingham, AL

The Birmingham Bar Association (BBA) sponsors a Lawyer Referral Service (LRS) that helps individuals and businesses find a local attorney with experience in a particular field of law. The Lawyer Referral Service sponsored by the Birmingham Bar Association serves Jefferson County and Shelby County, Alabama.

The BBA LLR has 150 participating attorneys who are pre-screened for their experience in a variety of different subject matters such as personal injury, estate planning, real estate, and family law.

The service is for individuals and businesses who can afford to hire an attorney but are having trouble find a qualified local attorney for their case.

Contact Information:

Birmingham Bar Lawyer Referral Service
Website: http://birminghambar.org/
2021 2nd Avenue North
Birmingham, Alabama 35203
Phone: 205-251-8006 (then choose "Option 1")

Types of Attorneys in the BBA LLS

Each attorney in the LRS serves on panels for different fields of law including:

  • Family Law;
  • Personal Injury and Auto Accidents;
  • Estate and Probate;
  • Real Estate Law; and
  • Employment Law.

What Happens When You Call the Lawyer Referral Service

When you call the Lawyer Referral Service of the Birmingham Bar Association a trained staff person will talk with you about the case during a confidential initial interview. Although the staff person is not permitted to give you legal advice, the staff person can help you determine what type of attorney might be best for your case.

Once you receive the referral to the attorney, you can contact the attorney for an initial consultation. During the consultation you can ask the attorney questions about the case and the attorney fees required for additional services.

Finding an Attorney in Birmingham, Alabama

At Lawyer Legion, we understand the importance of Lawyer Referral Services in Alabama. These non-profit community based services help the public find an attorney in Birmingham, Alabama, and the surrounding areas throughout Jefferson County and Shelby County, Alabama.

Many of these services have existed for decades. Using a community based lawyer referral service is an efficient way to find a local attorney pre-screened for their experience in a particular field of law.
