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UH Law Center
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University of Houston Law Center

About University of Houston Law Center


  • Established: 1947
  • Parent School: University of Houston
  • Dean: Leonard M. Baynes
  • Location: Houston, Texas
  • Website: www.law.uh.edu
  • School Type: Public
  • Campus: Urban
  • Enrollment: 729

2020 Application Information



Alumni Directory

This alumni directory of 6,206 lawyers who graduated from University of Houston Law Center is powered by Lawyer Legion. Use the filters to narrow your search for attorneys by graduation year, practice areas or location. Results are limited to 250 per query. The lawyers in this directory all attended or received their Juris Doctor degree from University of Houston Law Center and are currently practicing law in the United States. The attorneys in this directory are also included in the Lawyer Legion network and provide legal services to consumers in and around their local area. These include lawyers in HoustonTexas, and across the U.S. Browse the alumni directory to find and connect with lawyers who attended University of Houston Law Center.

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Alumni Active on Lawyer Legion

Quentin Brogdon (1989)
Crain Brogdon, LLP
Dallas, TX
View Profile
Jim Mac Perdue Jr (1993)
Perdue & Kidd, LLP
Houston, TX
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Grant Matthew Scheiner (1992)
Scheiner Law Group, P.C.
Houston, TX
View Profile
Mary E Conn (1984)
Mary E. Conn & Associates
Houston, TX
View Profile
Marc Stanley Whitehead (1992)
Marc Whitehead & Associates, Attorneys at Law LLP
Houston, TX
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Lydia Clay-Jackson (1984)
The Law Office of L. Clay-Jackson, P.L.L.C.
Conroe, TX
View Profile


Admissions Statistics

Completed Applications3,1153,4382,575
Total Offers1,0011,055865
Acceptance Rate32.13%30.69%33.59%
LSAT Score Median161161160
LSAT Score Low157159157
LSAT Score High162163162
Undergraduate GPA Median3.703.643.57
Undergraduate GPA Low3.503.373.29
Undergraduate GPA High3.803.763.74
Total Graduates208205241

Bar Exam Statistics

Total First Time Takers205211208
Total Passed172181179
School's Bar Passage Rate83.90%85.78%86.06%
ABA Approved Law Schools Average Bar Passage Rate75.41%77.57%75.48%
School Passage Rate vs. Average Passage Rate8.498.2110.58

Tuition and Expenses

Tuition Full Time Resident$29$29$14
Tuition Full Time Non-resident$44$44$21
Tuition Part Time Resident$20$20$9
Tuition Part Time Non-resident$30$30$14
On Campus Living Expenses$19$19$19
Off Campus Living Expenses$20$20$20

Grants and Scholarships

Total Students Reciving Grants447453568
Total Percentage Receiving Grants61%66%84%
Average Grant Amount - Median$13.00$5.00$3.00
Average Grant Amount - Low$5.00$2.00$1.00
Average Grant Amount - High$20.00$10.00$5.00

Students and Faculty

Student-to-Faculty Ratio3.23.23.1
Total Students729685679
Total Students Male356350330
Total Students Female411379355
Total Faculty226217222
Total Faculty Male142138143
Total Faculty Female847979
Total Faculty Minorities443937

National Comparison Rankings

The national comparison rankings below compare University of Houston Law Center to other ABA-approved law schools in the United States. The rankings were determined by comparing the statistics reported by each school. You can view the raw data for these law school rankings here.

2021 National Rankings - University of Houston Law Center

#28 in Median Undergraduate GPA - 3.64
University of Houston Law Center is tied for #28 regarding the highest median undergraduate GPA (3.64) among those applicants granted admission who enrolled as full-time students.

#57 in Acceptance Rate - 30.69%
University of Houston Law Center ranks #57 regarding student selectivity with an acceptance rate of 30.69% among those who applied for admission.

#18 in Student-to-Faculty Ratio - 3.2
University of Houston Law Center ranks #18 regarding the lowest student-to-faculty ratio with a 3.2 faculty ratio

#13 in Median LSAT - 161
University of Houston Law Center is tied for #13 regarding the median LSAT score, with a score of 161 among those applicants granted admission who enrolled as full-time students.

#58 in Bar Passage Rate - 85.78%
University of Houston Law Center ranks #58 regarding the highest bar passage rate among first-time test takers.

#43 in Highest Tuition - $29
University of Houston Law Center is tied for #43 regarding the highest tuition among full-time resident (in-state) students.

#73 in Presence of Minority Faculty - 17.97%
University of Houston Law Center ranks #73 regarding the highest percentage of racial or ethnic minority faculty (17.97%).

#145 in Presence of Female Faculty - 36%
University of Houston Law Center ranks #145 regarding the highest percentage of faculty who are female (36%).

Contact the UH Law Center

University of Houston Law Center
4604 Calhoun Rd
Houston, TX 77004
Phone: 713-743-2280

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