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Stanford Law School

About Stanford Law School


  • Established: 1893
  • Parent School: Stanford University
  • Dean: Jenny S. Martinez
  • Location: Stanford, California
  • Website: law.stanford.edu
  • School Type: Private
  • Campus: Suburban
  • Enrollment: 577

2020 Application Information




Stanford Law School - A Year in Review 2019-2020

History and Originalism: A Troubled Relationship


Alumni Directory

This alumni directory of 1,921 lawyers who graduated from Stanford Law School is powered by Lawyer Legion. Use the filters to narrow your search for attorneys by graduation year, practice areas or location. Results are limited to 250 per query. The lawyers in this directory all attended or received their Juris Doctor degree from Stanford Law School and are currently practicing law in the United States. The attorneys in this directory are also included in the Lawyer Legion network and provide legal services to consumers in and around their local area. These include lawyers in San Jose, California and across the U.S. Browse the alumni directory to find and connect with lawyers who attended Stanford Law School.

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Alumni Active on Lawyer Legion

Bruce James Highman (1981)
The Highman Law Firm
San Francisco, CA
View Profile
Vanja Habekovic (2004)
Ervin Cohen & Jessup LLP
Beverly Hills, CA
View Profile
Mike Ross (1985)
Law Offices of Mike Ross
San Jose, CA
View Profile
Gregory Lee Rael (1976)
Greg Rael Law Offices
Eureka, CA
View Profile
Benjamin Carrasco (2007)
Law Office of Ben Carrasco, PLLC
Austin, TX
View Profile
Dena A Kleeman (1983)
Kleeman Kremen Family Lawyers
Beverly Hills, CA
View Profile


Admissions Statistics

Completed Applications4,8825,6853,807
Total Offers336357399
Acceptance Rate6.88%6.28%10.48%
LSAT Score Median173172171
LSAT Score Low170170169
LSAT Score High176175174
Undergraduate GPA Median3.923.913.89
Undergraduate GPA Low3.843.813.77
Undergraduate GPA High3.993.993.96
Total Graduates193182183

Bar Exam Statistics

Total First Time Takers179171168
Total Passed169166165
School's Bar Passage Rate94.41%97.08%98.22%
ABA Approved Law Schools Average Bar Passage Rate75.86%79.73%78.64%
School Passage Rate vs. Average Passage Rate18.5517.3519.58

Tuition and Expenses

Tuition Full Time Resident$66$64$21
Tuition Full Time Non-resident---
Tuition Part Time Resident---
Tuition Part Time Non-resident---
On Campus Living Expenses$42$40$39
Off Campus Living Expenses$46$44$44

Grants and Scholarships

Total Students Reciving Grants374424322
Total Percentage Receiving Grants65%75%57%
Average Grant Amount - Median$35.00--
Average Grant Amount - Low$13.00--
Average Grant Amount - High$49.00--

Students and Faculty

Student-to-Faculty Ratio3.13.13
Total Students577565567
Total Students Male292284274
Total Students Female283289291
Total Faculty186182190
Total Faculty Male11098108
Total Faculty Female768482
Total Faculty Minorities373734

National Comparison Rankings

The national comparison rankings below compare Stanford Law School to other ABA-approved law schools in the United States. The rankings were determined by comparing the statistics reported by each school. You can view the raw data for these law school rankings here.

2021 National Rankings - Stanford Law School

#4 in Median Undergraduate GPA - 3.91
Stanford Law School is tied for #4 regarding the highest median undergraduate GPA (3.91) among those applicants granted admission who enrolled as full-time students.

#2 in Acceptance Rate - 6.28%
Stanford Law School ranks #2 regarding student selectivity with an acceptance rate of 6.28% among those who applied for admission.

#16 in Student-to-Faculty Ratio - 3.1
Stanford Law School ranks #16 regarding the lowest student-to-faculty ratio with a 3.1 faculty ratio

#2 in Median LSAT - 172
Stanford Law School is tied for #2 regarding the median LSAT score, with a score of 172 among those applicants granted admission who enrolled as full-time students.

#7 in Bar Passage Rate - 97.08%
Stanford Law School ranks #7 regarding the highest bar passage rate among first-time test takers.

#8 in Highest Tuition - $64
Stanford Law School is tied for #8 regarding the highest tuition among full-time resident (in-state) students.

#50 in Presence of Minority Faculty - 20.33%
Stanford Law School ranks #50 regarding the highest percentage of racial or ethnic minority faculty (20.33%).

#54 in Presence of Female Faculty - 46%
Stanford Law School ranks #54 regarding the highest percentage of faculty who are female (46%).

Contact the Stanford Law

Stanford Law School
559 Nathan Abbott Way
Stanford, CA 94305-8602
Phone: 650-723-4985

More About Stanford Law School

Benefits of Attending Stanford Law School

Established in 1893, Stanford Law School is located near Palo Alto, California. Recognized as one of the most prestigious law schools in the United States, it consistently has one of the highest median undergraduate GPAs.

More than 550 students working towards their Doctor of Jurisprudence (JD) degree are currently enrolled at Stanford Law School. The law school has a relatively small class size with approximately 180 students entering each fall. Those students are divided into six smaller sections with approximately 30 students each. Stanford Law School also has a low student-to-faculty ratio.

In addition to the J.D. degree, the law school also offers several advanced legal degrees including:

  • Doctor of the Science of Law (J.S.D.)
  • Master of the Science of Law (J.S.M.)
  • Master of Studies in Law (M.S.L.)
  • Master of Laws (LL.M.)

Stanford Law School offers its students several clinics including a Supreme Court litigation clinic and more than 25 formal joint degree programs. The first joint-degree program resulted from a collaboration with the Business School.

Organizations at Stanford Law School

Stanford Law students run over fifty student organizations and publish seven legal journals. Students also strengthen their advocacy skills in the Marion Rice Kirkwood Moot Court competition.

Student organizations at Stanford Law School include:

  • Women of Stanford Law
  • the Stanford Chicano Law Student Association
  • the Environmental Law Society
  • the Stanford Public Interest Foundation

In addition to Stanford Law Review, the law school has several journals including:

  • Stanford Journal of International Law
  • Stanford Law & Policy Review
  • Stanford Journal of Law, Business & Finance
  • Stanford Technology Law Review
  • Stanford Environmental Law Journal
  • Stanford Journal of Civil Rights & Civil Liberties

Legal Clinics at Stanford Law School

Law school students in their second or third year gain experience by working full-time in one of eleven legal clinics including:

  • Environmental Law Clinic
  • Criminal Defense Clinic
  • Religious Liberty Clinic
  • Intellectual Property
  • Innovation Clinic
  • Supreme Court Litigation Clinic

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