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Cardozo Law - Students Discuss ITAP Experience
Cardozo Law students detail their experience participating in the two-week-long Intensive Trial Advocacy Program. ITAP is a cornerstone of Cardozo's practical skills curriculum. In this two week immersion course held each January, students learn cu...

Kukin Program Peace Gala Honoring Lela Love
The Kukin Program for Conflict Resolution hosts Peace Gala to honor the program's founder Lela Love on November 7, 2024.

Getting to Know CSL: Heyman Center on Corporate Governance
The Samuel & Ronnie Heyman Center on Corporate Governance serves as a hub for research on innovation in business and corporate law. Our renowned faculty have expertise in many areas including technology; antitrust; regulation; securities; corporate c...

Getting to Know CSL: The Perlmutter Center for Legal Justice
The Perlmutter Center for Legal Justice at Cardozo Law trains students and lawyers in the proper use of scientific evidence, focusing on the misuse of “junk science” in contributing to wrongful convictions. In addition the Center seeks justice f...

Getting to Know CSL: Center for Visual Advocacy
The Center for Visual Advocacy (CVA), under the leadership of Professor Michelle Greenberg-Kobrin, serves at the intersection of law, visual arts, media and social justice—pioneering this new field. The CVA is the law school’s hub for students, a...

A Government of the People: Popular Engagement in U.S. Constitutional Democracy
A fascinating discussion about the place and power of the people in constitutional practice and government design, including critical areas that feature prominently in today’s public conversation in light of recent Supreme Court terms and the upcom...

Getting to Know CSL: Center for Constitutional Democracy
The Floersheimer Center for Constitutional Democracy is a vibrant center for scholarship and events, supporting the functioning of constitutional democracies in the United States and abroad. Established in 2000 through a gift from Dr. Stephen Floersh...

Getting to Know CSL: Human Rights and Atrocity Prevention Clinic
As part of the Cardozo Law Institute in Holocaust and Human Rights (CLIHHR), the Benjamin B. Ferencz Human Rights and Atrocity Prevention (HRAP) Clinic provides students with hands-on legal training under the supervision of clinical professors and fa...

Getting to Know CSL: Intellectual Property & Information Law
Cardozo School of Law is consistently recognized as a leader in intellectual property and information law. The offers theory and practical training to students from all backgrounds, who thrive on developing answers that meet current legal problems. T...

Getting to Know CSL: Center for Ethics in the Practice of Law
Learn about Cardozo School of Law's Jacob Burns Center for Ethics in the Practice of Law with Co-Directors and Professors Jessica Roth and Anthony Sebok.

Getting to Know CSL: Family Law & Bioethics
Cardozo received an A+ in family law from preLaw Magazine for its classes, programs and clinics involving child welfare and families. Lawyers practicing in this area have a direct impact on all aspects of marriage, divorce, child custody, adoption, d...

Getting to Know CSL: Dispute Resolution
Getting to Know Cardozo School of Law: Dispute Resolution with Kukin Program for Conflict Resolution Director, Professor Andrea Schneider The program’s mission is to develop modern-day problem solvers who can skillfully use dispute resolution proc...

Find Your Fame - Amanda Sivin ’23
Cardozo Law students discuss their experiences and the opportunities provided by the school's FAME (Fashion, Arts, Media & Entertainment) Center. Amanda Sivin - Akin Gump

Find Your FAME - Adlai Lamason ’25
Cardozo Law students discuss their experiences and the opportunities provided by the school's FAME (Fashion, Arts, Media & Entertainment) Center. Adlai Lamason- Spirit Music Group

Find Your FAME - Michael Ecker ’25
Cardozo Law students discuss their experiences and the opportunities provided by the school's FAME (Fashion, Arts, Media & Entertainment) Center. Michael Ecker - FilmNation

Find Your FAME - Perry Santos ’26
Cardozo Law students discuss their experiences and the opportunities provided by the school's FAME (Fashion, Arts, Media & Entertainment) Center. Perry Santos - Cardozo's Entertainment Law Society

Find Your FAME - Riann Colbert ’25
Cardozo Law students discuss their experiences and the opportunities provided by the school's FAME (Fashion, Arts, Media & Entertainment) Center. Riann Colbert - A luxury fashion brand

Cardozo Law LL.M. Milan Reunion 2024
Dean Melanie Leslie, Associate Dean Val Myteberi, and Director of the FAME Center Barbara Kolsun welcomed alumni from around the world on April 25-26 for this year's Global Alumni Reunion in Milan, Italy.

Class of 2024 Commencement Awards Ceremony
This outstanding group of honorees received their awards during a ceremony at Cardozo on Monday, June 3 prior to Class of 2024 Commencement.

Cardozo Law Employer Forum 2024
The Cardozo School of Law's Office of Career Services welcomed some of the most prestigious law firms to the school for its annual employer forum. The forum included 53 firms, including Davis Polk, Kirkland & Ellis, and Proskauer Rose. Hear from cu...

Cardozo Law Review Symposium 2024: Ethics in the Judiciary and Legal Profession
2024 Cardozo Law Review Symposium: Ethics in the Judiciary and the Legal Profession: Are We in Crisis? 00:00 - The Hon. Daniel Goldman (D-NY) Keynote Address 1:06:30 - Panel I: Ethical Crisis at the Supreme Court? Who Should Respond, and How? 2:15:0...

The Future of "History and Tradition": The First Amendment Implications of Bruen
The Floersheimer Center for Constitutional Democracy takes a deep dive into the Court's recent shift towards history, tradition, and text, with a focus on Justice Thomas's opinion for the Court in Bruen and its implications for First Amendment and Me...

Rise Up for Cardozo - Building Impact
Celebrate Cardozo's upcoming 50th anniversary by supporting our goal. Your support helps empower students, elevate our campus, foster exceptional faculty and transform our world-class clinics. Learn more about the campaign at: riseup.cardozo.yu.edu.

Justice For All | Cardozo School of Law
At Cardozo School of Law, we believe in Justice for All. But we don’t just believe it. We practice it. Our clinical students advocate for the elderly, immigration rights, people with disabilities, children, victims of abuse, accessibility, and thos...

Michael Oher and “The Blind Side” of Conservatorships
The Michael Oher case brought to light another shocking example of the overuse of conservatorship. How did a court take away Michael Oher's basic decision-making rights, including the right to enter contracts, when he thought he was being adopted rat...

An Evening with Steve Madden at Cardozo Law
The FAME Center and Fashion Law Society at Cardozo School of Law host a conversation between iconic designer, Steve Madden and Lisa Keith, General Counsel of Steven Madden, Ltd. on January 29, 2024.

Rise Up for Cardozo Law
Celebrate Cardozo's upcoming 50th anniversary by supporting our goal. Your support helps empower students, elevate our campus, foster exceptional faculty and transform our world-class clinics. Learn more about the campaign at: riseup.cardozo.yu.edu.

Honoring Brilliance: Myriam Gilles
Professor Myriam Gilles has been instrumental in the fight to end forced arbitration. These are provisions hidden in the fine print of standard-form contracts that forfeit a consumer’s or employee's right to a judge and jury, forcing them into a p...

Bet Tzedek Civil Litigation Clinic
Each year, Bet Tzedek represents dozens of elderly and disabled people seeking health, disability, and housing benefits that they could not get without Clinic assistance. In representing these individual clients, the student lawyers also identify sys...

Justice For All | Cardozo Law
At Cardozo School of Law, we believe in Justice for All. But we don’t just believe it. We practice it. Our clinical students advocate for the elderly, immigration rights, people with disabilities, children, victims of abuse, accessibility, and thos...

Hiding in Plain Sight: How a Jewish Girl Survived Europe's Heart of Darkness
On October 23, 2023 , The Cardozo Law Institute in Holocaust and Human Rights and the Auschwitz Institute for the Prevention of Genocide and Mass Atrocities hosted author Pieter van Os for a conversation with Cardozo Law professor Jocelyn Getgen Kest...

Catalyzing Change: Ongwen, Sexual and Gender-Based Crimes, and Intersection (Day 2 Reflection)
Day 2: Reflection from Day 1 and Conversation with Ambassador Beth Van Schaack

Catalyzing Change: Ongwen, Sexual and Gender-Based Crimes, and Intersection (Panel 3)
Day 2, Panel 3

Catalyzing Change: Ongwen, Sexual and Gender-Based Crimes, and Intersection (Panel 2)
Day 1 - Panel 2

Catalyzing Change: Ongwen, Sexual and Gender-Based Crimes, and Intersection (Part I)
Opening Conversation and Panel 1

2023 Commencement Awards
Congratulations to the Class of 2023 Award Winners! This outstanding group of honorees received their awards at Cardozo at a special ceremony prior to Commencement on June 5. Read More: https://bit.ly/42xa074 #CardozoLaw

Gloria Steinem Accepts the International Advocate for Peace Award at Cardozo
On March 29, 2023 Ms. Gloria Steinem accepted the 22nd annual International Advocate for Peace (IAP) Award from the Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution. Every year since 2000, the Journal, the country's preeminent legal journal of arbitration, n...

Why Florida Copied its ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Bill from Hungary & What It Means for Democracy in the U.S.
On the eve of mid-term elections in which polls find large majorities of Americans worried about the future of U.S. democracy, scholars and journalists are tracking growing interest here in the successful path of autocratic leaders abroad. Do once-de...

Cardozo Law Commencement May 2022
The Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law forty-fourth Annual Commencement exercises will take place on Tuesday, May 31, 2022, at 3 p.m. at United Palace, located at 4140 Broadway between West 175th and 176th Streets in Manhattan.

Take a Tour of Cardozo Law
Tours of Cardozo Law are provided throughout the year to help you become better acquainted with our community. We hope this virtual tour will provide you with a quick look at how law comes to life at Cardozo. Schedule a campus visit or virtual tour h...

Cardozo Patent Diversity Project Obtains Its First Patent on Behalf of Black Female Inventor
Cardozo’s Patent Diversity Project, led by Director Victor Wang ’15, has secured its first patent on behalf of Rose Coppee, a Black inventor, for a modular hairbrush.  The Patent Diversity Project aims to close the “patent gap...

Cardozo's Civil Rights Clinic Improves Conditions for People on Death Row
Cardozo’s Civil Rights Clinic, led by Professor Betsy Ginsberg, won a major settlement in a class-action lawsuit on behalf of those on death row at Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola. A federal judge in Louisiana found the settlement reached by...

Public Health, Mental Health, and Mass Atrocity Prevention Digital Dialogue Series
Supporting Mental and Public Health Prevention Work in Pre-Atrocity, Atrocity, and Post-Atrocity Settings

Richard Weisberg: Dostoevsky’s Jurisprudence
Law students, lawyers, and judges have been reading CRIME AND PUNISHMENT for decades as part of the renewed "Law and Literature movement". Lately, they have been assessing the novel for its acute representation of the law's treatment of the outsider,...

Floersheimer Center: Social Media Governance, Content Moderation, and Democracy
Floersheimer Center for Constitutional Democracy - Social Media Governance, Content Moderation, and Democracy - March 29, 2021

Life at Cardozo Now
Cardozo students, faculty, and staff rapidly adjusted to a changed landscape when the COVID-19 pandemic arrived. Cardozo rose to the challenges of the pandemic with enhanced classroom technology and expanded virtual opportunities to connect with facu...

Faculty With Impact: Cardozo Professors in the Media 2020
Cardozo's reputation for academic excellence is rooted in the scholarship of our faculty whose work shapes law and policy. See more of our faculty in the media here: https://go.yu.edu/cardozo/faculty-with-impact-media

Unboxing the Law with Professor Kathryn Miller
The biggest death penalty news from the Supreme Court this term involves the case the Court didn’t decide. On June 29, the Court denied certiorari in Bourgeois v. Barr, which clears the way for the Trump administration to resume federal executions...

Unboxing the Law with Professor Kyron Huigens
In today’s Unboxing the Law, Cardozo professor Kyron Huigens will discuss Trump v. Vance, the subpoena from the NY grand jury. We'll address grand jury secrecy and whether or how the financial information sought will ever see the light of day, the ...

Unboxing the Law with Professor Felix Wu
In this talk, Professor Felix Wu will discuss the Supreme Court’s recent decision in Barr v. AAPC, striking down the government debt exception to the prohibition on robocalls in the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). On its face, this case ...

Unboxing the Law with Professor Michael Herz
The Supreme Court decided Seila Law LLC v. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, a major separation-of-powers case regarding the structure of the CFPB. The Bureau is unusual, though not unique, in being headed by a single person who can be fired only...

Center for Constitutional Democracy Annual Supreme Court Term Round Up July 6. 2020
Floersheimer Center Co-Directors Michelle Adams, Michael Pollack and Kate Shaw discussed the 2020-21 Supreme Court decisions that have already been handed down, what decisions we are still awaiting, and what cases we might see next term.

Professor Jessica Roth on impeachment: MSNBC 11.07.19
If [Rudy Guiliani] is pursuing the President's interests, then he's not pursuing the country's best interests and that's where the country is in trouble. The impeachment inquiry is going to be about whether he abused his power by pursuing his narrow...

Faculty With Impact: Cardozo Law in the Media
Cardozo’s reputation for academic excellence is rooted in the scholarship of our faculty whose work shapes law and policy.

Cardozo Presents: Unboxing the Law- Knick vs. Township of Scott- Professors Sterk and Pollack
Join Cardozo Professors Stewart Sterk and Michael Pollack as they discuss the recent Supreme Court case KNICK v. TOWNSHIP OF SCOTT, PENNSYLVANIA.

Cardozo Presents: Unboxing the Law with Professors Kate Levine and Kathryn Miller
Cardozo Professors Kate Levine and Kathryn Miller will dissect Flowers v. Mississippi.
