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State Bar of Nevada
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State Bar of Nevada Attorney Specialization

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About the State Bar of Nevada Attorney Specialization

Mission and History

The State Bar of Nevada allows attorneys in Nevada to advertise themselves as specialists if they have become certified by an organization approved by the State Bar of Nevada, register and meet other requirements.

Nevada lawyers can become certified in up to three of 11 different practice areas offered for specialty by the five approved organizations.

The Nevada Supreme Court, which has ultimate oversight over the regulation of attorneys in the Silver State, gave the State Bar authority to certify lawyers as specialists in 2003. Only attorneys who have been properly certified through the Bar's procedures may advertise as "specialists."



Board Certified Nevada Lawyers on Lawyer Legion

Jennifer V. Abrams
The Abrams Law Firm, LLC
Las Vegas, NV
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Brent H Harsh
Coulter Harsh Law
Reno, NV
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Vincent Mayo
The Abrams Law Firm, LLC
Las Vegas, NV
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Jamie S Cogburn
Cogburn Davidson Car Accident & Personal Injury Lawyers
Las Vegas, NV
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Marjorie L Hauf
Las Vegas, NV
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Donald C Kudler
Cap & Kudler
Las Vegas, NV
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State Bar of Nevada Attorney Specialization
100 West Charleston Boulevard Suite 100
Las Vegas, NV 89101
Office: (702) 382-2200

Directory of Board Certified Lawyers in Nevada

Lawyer Legion maintains a statewide directory of board certified lawyers in Nevada. The public is able to browse the directory and narrow their search by specialty area, county or city to find and connect with board certified lawyers to help with their case. Lawyer Legion is the only commercial lawyer directory to properly acknowledge all ABA-accredited specialization programs for both national and state-level board certifications, including those granted by the State Bar of Nevada.

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Overview of the State Bar of Nevada Attorney Specialization Program

Minimum Requirements for Board Certified Lawyers in Nevada

Each organization has certain requirements to become certified. Once an attorney has met those requirements, he or she must meet further requirements and take additional steps to become a certified Nevada lawyer:

  • The attorney must carry a malpractice insurance policy with coverage limits of at least $500,000;
  • The attorney must show he or she devoted at least one third of his or her practice time to the specialty in the previous two years;
  • He or she must have taken at least 10 hours of continuing legal education (CLE) seminars in the specialty area over the prior year; and
  • He or she must pay a $250 fee.

Only after meeting these requirements may an attorney advertise as a specialist. An attorney may only advertise three or fewer specialties.

Organizations Approved to Certify Attorneys in Nevada

There are several organizations that have sought and gained approval from the State Bar of Nevada to certify attorneys in several areas of specialty, these include:

Additionally, fellows in the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers have been certified as family law specialists, according to the NBTA.

The New Nevada Board of Personal Injury Legal Specialization

At the Board of Governors meeting on April 3, 2014, Gene Leverty provided a synopsis on the process of developing a Personal Injury Specialization.

A task force was created which allowed Gene Leverty, Julie Cavanaugh, Bill Dobberstein, and Eric Dobberstein to review the draft guidelines for the category of Personal Injury Specialization.

The taskforce took steps to reach out to the other organizations for feedback. Upon completion of the review, the guidelines were published for comment.

In September 2014, the Board of Governors approved the rules and regulations of the Nevada Board of Personal Injury Legal Specialization.

The new specialization board operates under the supervision of the Nevada Justice Association and is composed of five members. The board will have general jurisdiction over all matters relating to personal injury specialization.

Among other qualifications, attorneys wishing to become board certified in personal injury law must take a written exam, offered at least twice a year. The board is currently working on the content of the exams and determining a testing schedule. Many of the top personal injury attorneys in Nevada are expected to seek this important designation. 

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