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South Carolina Bar Rules for Attorney Advertising

Before you redesign your law firm's website or start a new internet marketing campaign, read the South Carolina bar rules on attorney advertising. The South Carolina Rules of Professional Conduct in Chapter 7 deal with communications by an attorney in South Carolina about the legal services they provide to the public. Additional information can be found in the comments to each rule and the advisory ethics opinions interpreting the rules.

Resources for South Carolina Bar Rules

Ethics Advisory Opinions from the South Carolina Bar Association- Search through ethics advisory opinions published since 1958 online as provided by the South Carolina Bar Ethics Advisory Committee.

Frequently Asked Questions for South Carolina Attorneys on Ethics- VIsit the South Carolina Bar website to find answers to the most frequently asked questions from attorneys in South Carolina about their professional responsibilities.

South Carolina's RULE 7.2: ADVERTISING- The website for the South Carolina Judicial Department has the most recent version of Rule 7.2 for Advertisement including the comment to the rule.

Order on Amendments to the South Carolina Rules of Professional Conduct - Visit the website for the South Carolina Judicial Department to find the order from the Supreme Court of South Carolina dated August 22, 2011. The Order is regarding the "Amendments to the South Carolina Rules of Professional Conduct, Rule 407 of the South Carolina Appellate Court Rules (SCACR)." The order amended Rules 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3 of the South Carolina Rules of Professional Conduct.