Founded in 1966, the California Applicants’ Attorneys Association (CAAA) is a non-profit corporation that serves California's injured workers and the attorneys that represent them in workers’ compensation cases. Headquartered in Sacramento, CAAA provides the injured worker in California with fair compensation benefits and re-entry into the community as a productive citizen.
Many of the top workers' compensation attorneys in the State of California belong to this trusted organization. The organization has more than 1,200 members statewide.
The Board of Governors at CAAA includes officers, members-at-large, past presidents, committee chairs and chapter presidents. Members are encouraged to take on leadership roles in one of the twenty-three (23) working committees of the non-profit organization.
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California Applicants’ Attorneys Association (CAAA)The twenty-three working committees in the California Applicants’ Attorneys Association (CAAA) provide resources and recommendations for action by the Board. The working committees include the following:
Throughout the State of California, CAAA has 20 chapters organized to serve members at the city and county level. The chapters provide opportunities for continuing education and the free exchange of information and resources among members. Those local chapters include:
Benefits of membership in CAAA include networking opportunities with more than 1,200 members in California, invitations to the semi-annual conventions, accredited educational seminars, a more united voice before the legislature, assistance from the amicus curiae committee, a subscription to the Quarterly Magazine, CAAAments.
The benefits of joining this organization also include a listing in the annual membership directory, access to LawNet and regional and chatter list services, access to the mentor program, access to the brief bank and case law update, practice tips and noteworthy case decisions.
Membership levels in CAAA include: Regular members - Eligible attorneys must represent injured workers before the WCAB and is currently a non-representative of insurance companies or self-insured employers in the defense of workers’ compensation cases.
The attorney also must be a member in good standing with the State Bar of California and of good moral character. Other membership levels include associate members, new associates, and law student members.
This article was last updated on Friday, January 17, 2020.