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The State Bar of California
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How to Reset Your My State Bar Profile Password
This video provides a step-by-step guide on how to reset your password for My State Bar Profile.

2025 My State Bar Profile Redesign
Paying annual fees and reporting compliance just got easier. Visit your My State Bar Profile: https://members.calbar.ca.gov/login.aspx My State Bar Profile Help Guide: https://info.calbar.ca.gov/knowledge/en/my-state-bar-profile-guide

Connect with lawyer referral services today. Learn more!
Looking for trusted legal services? Certified lawyer referral services are a smart way to find legal help to suit your needs. Learn how: https://bit.ly/lrssearchtool

Conéctate con servicios certificados de referencia de abogados hoy. ¡Descubre más!
¿Buscas servicios legales confiables? Los servicios certificados de referencia de abogados son una forma inteligente para encontrar la ayuda legal que necesita. Aprenda cómo: https://bit.ly/lrsespsearchtool

California Rules of Professional Conduct, Rule 1.6: Protecting Confidential Client Information
Understand the critical duty of confidentiality under Business and Professions Code section 6068(e) and Rule of Professional Conduct 1.6. This video covers key ethical requirements, exceptions, and the importance of safeguarding client information. L...

Connect with lawyer referral services today. Learn more!
Looking for trusted legal services? Certified lawyer referral services are a smart way to find legal help to suit your needs. Learn how: https://bit.ly/lrssearchtool

Conéctate con servicios certificados de referencia de abogados hoy. ¡Descubre más!
¿Buscas servicios legales confiables? Los servicios certificados de referencia de abogados son una forma inteligente para encontrar la ayuda legal que necesita. Aprenda cómo: https://bit.ly/lrsespsearchtool

La Barra de Abogados de California incauta la práctica ilegal de María Leanos de El Cajón
Noticias Univision San Diego cubre cómo la Barra de Abogados de California incauta la práctica ilegal de una mujer de El Cajón que operaba un despacho de abogados sin una licencia válida y se presentaba falsamente como abogada ante clientes en as...

State Bar seizes law office of El Cajon woman accused of posing as immigration attorney
Maria Leanos, owner of an immigration consulting business, is accused of operating an unauthorized law practice. As NBC 7’s Dave Summers explains, Leanos’ trouble began after an argument with her niece on social media.

Client Trust Account Reconciliation: Reconciling Bank Statements with Check Copies
Watch this video for a short tutorial on reconciling your client trust account bank statements with check copies. Download the templates here: https://bit.ly/CTA-Resources-Templates More client trust accounting resources: https://bit.ly/CTA-Resourc...

Client Trust Account Reconciliation: Using the Individual Ledgers Templates
Watch this video for a short tutorial on using the State Bar's client trust account individual (client and bank) ledgers template. Download the templates here: https://bit.ly/CTA-Resources-Templates More client trust accounting resources: https://...

Client Trust Account Reconciliation: Using the Account Journal Template
Watch this video for a short tutorial on using the State Bar's client trust account journal template. Download the templates here: https://bit.ly/CTA-Resources-Templates More client trust accounting resources: https://bit.ly/CTA-Resources

Client Trust Account Reconciliation: Using the Reconciliation Form Template
Watch this video for a short tutorial on using the State Bar's client trust account reconciliation form template. Download the templates here: https://bit.ly/CTA-Resources-Templates More client trust accounting resources: https://bit.ly/CTA-Resour...

Public Trust Liaison Assists Californians with Attorney Complaints - State Bar Stories
State Bar Stories are personal testimonials that reflect the State Bar of California's commitment to its mission of public protection, diversity and inclusion, and access to justice for all Californians: one story at a time. Officially launched in...

CA Attorney Encourages Licensees to Seek Addiction & Mental Health Assistance - State Bar Stories
State Bar Stories are personal testimonials that reflect the State Bar's commitment to its mission of public protection, diversity and inclusion, and access to justice for all Californians: one story at a time. California attorney James Stillens shar...

LA Man Fights Eviction Through Free Legal Aid - State Bar Stories
State Bar Stories are personal testimonials that reflect the State Bar of California's commitment to its mission of public protection, diversity and inclusion, and access to justice for all Californians: one story at a time. The Legal Aid Foundation ...

How to Provide Public Comment at a State Bar CA Meeting
📢 Community members: If you're interested in sharing your thoughts on the State Bar’s work and policies, sign up to provide oral or written comment ahead of a meeting. Watch our short screen tour to learn how you can make your voice heard! Sign-...

Alertan por estafas de supuestos abogados migratorios a través de TikTok
Un hombre del Área de la Bahía asegura que estaba revisando su cuenta de TikTok cuando, de repente, le apareció un video de una mujer que parecía ser una reconocida abogada. Cuenta que, ante la necesidad de resolver un trámite migratorio, intera...

2024 CTAPP Reporting: Agency Billing Training
Firm Administrators Can Use the Agency Billing Portal to Pay Licensing Fees to Comply with Rule 2.11 and Comply with the State Bar's New Client Trust Account Registration Requirements In this video, -Learn about the State Bar's new Client Trust Acco...

California Rules of Professional Conduct, Rule 8.3: Required Reporting
California's Rule 8.3 requires lawyers to report credible evidence of serious attorney misconduct. This video explains the reporting duties, including what constitutes misconduct, when to report, reporting options (State Bar or tribunal), limits on r...

2024 CTAPP Reporting: My State Bar Profile Training
Learn how lawyers can comply with the State Bar's new client trust account registration requirements and comply with Rule 2.11 Learn about the State Bar's new Client Trust Account Protection Program (CTAPP).  Watch a demonstration of how lawyers s...

California Attorneys: Need to Reset Your Password to My State Bar Profile?
California Attorneys: Need help resetting your password for My State Bar Profile? Avoid a phone call -- this screen tour will walk you through the process. Access a step-by-step guide here: https://info.calbar.ca.gov/knowledge/en/forgot-your-password...

Good luck to October 2023 First-Year Law Student Examinees
Good luck to everyone taking the First-Year Law Students' Exam today. We're rooting for you!

Greg Knoll In Memoriam
It is with great sadness that we note the passing of #StateBarCA Trustee Greg Knoll. Previous Board Chair Ruben Duran said, “As a State Bar Trustee, Greg Knoll was a fearless and creative advocate for consumers, law students, and lawyers serving th...

Inspiring! How Lucasfilm’s Legal Counsel Rhonda Hjort Reached the Top of the Legal Profession
In this collaboration by the Walt Disney Company and the State Bar of California’s Counsel on Access and Fairness (COAF), attorney Rhonda Hjort, Lucasfilm’s Legal Counsel/Senior Vice President of Business Affairs, shares her inspiring journey in ...

Consumidores: Tengan cuidado con los abogados impostores!
Consumidores: La Barra de Abogados de California aconseja que tengan cuidado con los abogados impostores. Antes de contratar a un abogado, busque al potencial abogado en el sitio web de La Bara para verificar el estatus de su licencia, la elegibil...

Provisional Licensure Program Participant Gains Real-Time Attorney Experience – State Bar Stories
State Bar Stories are personal testimonials that reflect the State Bar of California's commitment to its mission of public protection, diversity and inclusion, and access to justice for all Californians: one story at a time. In response to the cha...

Clovis Woman Receives Free Help for Special-Needs Child from Legal Aid Provider – State Bar Stories
State Bar Stories are personal testimonials that reflect the State Bar of California's commitment to its mission of public protection, diversity and inclusion, and access to justice for all Californians: one story at a time. Lorena Esparza worked wit...

Tom Girardi Victim Receives Lost Funds through Client Security Fund – State Bar Stories
State Bar Stories are personal testimonials that reflect the State Bar of California's commitment to its mission of public protection, diversity and inclusion, and access to justice for all Californians: one story at a time. After now-disgraced and d...

Client Security Fund Helps Man Recoup Lost Funds due to Attorney Misconduct – State Bar Stories
State Bar Stories are personal testimonials that reflect the State Bar of California's commitment to its mission of public protection, diversity and inclusion, and access to justice for Californians: one story at a time. Bruce Gold found himself in w...

2018 Reform Decision to Remove State Bar Association Duties Good for Public – State Bar Stories
State Bar Stories are personal testimonials that reflect the State Bar's commitment to its mission of public protection, diversity and inclusion, and access to justice for all Californians: one story at a time. On January 1, 2018,  the most sign...

San Diego Boy had Eye Cancer, Receives Free Assistance from Legal Aid Provider – State Bar Stories
State Bar Stories are personal testimonials that reflect the State Bar of California's commitment to its mission of public protection, diversity and inclusion, and access to justice for all Californians: one story at a time. Leanna Woelfel speaks abo...

Volunteer Commissioner Aims to Help People and Promote DEI – State Bar Stories
State Bar Stories are personal testimonials that reflect the State Bar's commitment to its mission of public protection, diversity and inclusion, and access to justice for all Californians: one story at a time. With the goal of providing public servi...

Cómo hacer una queja en California contra un abogado que no cumple:
Cómo hacer una queja en California contra un abogado que no cumple: Antes de contratar a un abogado debes revisar que tenga un registro en la Barra de Abogados de California; sin embargo, si no lo hiciste y ahora no te responde, te explicamos cuál...

“Decepcionado y sin dinero” migrante cuenta experiencia de fraude de inmigración
La Barra de Abogados de California habla con Telemundo 20 sobre cómo evitar las estafas de inmigración y evitar ser víctima del ejercicio no autorizado de la abogacía (UPL). Presente una queja ante La Barra si usted ha sido víctima de ejercicio...

Well-Being Week in Law and the Lawyer Assistance Program
The State Bar of California observes Well-Being Week In Law, an annual effort by the Institute for Well-Being in Law, to spread awareness and assist lawyers in managing & optimizing their physical, emotional, & mental well-being. Contact the Lawyer ...

State Bar Core Values
Common shared values are the bedrock of a high-functioning organization. The State Bar is committed to protecting the people of California through careful oversight of the legal profession, guided by five key values introduced in this video.

State Bar Core Values
Common shared values are the bedrock of a high-functioning organization. The State Bar is committed to protecting the people of California through careful oversight of the legal profession, guided by five key values introduced in this video.

Semana Nacional de Protección del Consumidor
Esta Semana Nacional de Protección del Consumidor el Intermediario de Confianza Pública de La Barra de Abogados de California le recuerda al publico que visiten el sitio web de La Barra para verificar que está trabajando con un abogado con licenci...

California Rules of Professional Conduct, Rule 3.8: Prosecutor Duties
A prosecutor has the responsibility of a minister of justice and not simply that of an advocate. This responsibility carries with it specific obligations to see that the defendant is accorded procedural justice, that guilt is decided upon the basis ...

National Consumer Protection Week
Enrique Zuniga, State Bar of California Public Trust Liaison on how the public can protect themselves and their family from fraud. Consumers: Remember to visit the State Bar website to verify that you are working with a CA licensed attorney. Search ...

Semana Nacional de Protección al Consumidor
Enrique Zúñiga, Intermediario de Confianza Pública de La Barra De Abogados de California sobre cómo el público puede protegerse a sí mismo y a su familia del fraude. Consumidores: Recuerde de visitar el sitio web de La Barra para verificar que...

Buscan más víctimas de mujer que se hacía pasar por abogada de inmigración en Los Ángeles
La Barra de Abogados de California habla con Telemundo 52 sobre recientes acciones contra Nubia Burrier por ejercicio no autorizado de la abogacía. Los clientes de Burrier pueden recuperar sus archivos llamando a la línea telefónica bilingüe del ...

California Rules of Professional Conduct, Rule 1.16
Did you know? At the end of an attorney-client relationship, attorneys still need to adhere to certain duties as defined by Rule 1.16 of the California Rules of Professional Conduct. The State Bar encourages anyone who believes their lawyer has fai...

Introduciendo al Intermediario de Confianza Pública
Conozca a Enrique Zúñiga, el primer Intermediario de Confianza Pública de la Barra de Abogados de California. El Intermediario de Confianza Pública ayuda a educar a los miembros del público sobre cómo la Barra de Abogados puede ayudarlos dent...

Introducing the Public Trust Liaison
Meet Enrique Zuniga, the State Bar's first-ever Public Trust Liaison. The Public Trust Liaison helps educate members of the public about how the State Bar can help them within the areas of our public protection mission. With an initial focus on att...

Introducing the Client Trust Account Protection Program
To strengthen public protection and better support attorneys in fulfilling their client trust accounting duties, the State Bar is implementing a Client Trust Account Protection Program (CTAPP). Learn more about the program and how attorneys can compl...

California Rules of Professional Conduct, Rule 1.5
Did you know? Rule 1.5 identifies fees that attorneys can and cannot charge, prohibits CA attorneys from charging fees considered unconscionable, & enables the State Bar to prosecute violations of these rules to protect the public. The State Bar en...

Good luck to October 2022 First-Year Law Student Examinees
Good luck to everyone taking the First-Year Law Students’ Exam today. We’re rooting for you!

Asistentes de documentación legal
📢 Consumidores: ¿Se está representando a sí mismo en un asunto legal y necesita asistencia legal de bajo costo? Un asistente de documentos legales (LDA) puede ayudarlo. Los LDAs son expertos en la preparación y el procedimiento de formularios....

Díganos qué piensa: mejoras al sistema disciplinario
El #StateBarCA busca comentarios públicos sobre las recomendaciones de la Comisión Ad Hoc para el Sistema Disciplinario destinadas a mejorar la eficiencia, la eficacia, y la equidad del sistema disciplinario de abogados. Comente antes del 28/11: ht...

Tell Us What You Think: Recommendations from Ad Hoc Commission on the Discipline System
The #StateBarCA seeks public comment on recommendations from the Ad Hoc Commission on the Discipline System intended to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, & fairness of the attorney discipline system. Deadline to comment is 11/28: http://ow.ly/u2...

State Bar CA: Protecting the public through restitution, attorney oversight, & promoting diversity
This compilation State Bar Stories’ video highlights the scope and importance of the State Bar’s work: from assisting people victimized by attorney misconduct, to the need for attorney regulation and creating new licensure opportunities for aspir...

State Bar of California: Supporting legal aid providers assisting Californians
State Bar Stories are personal testimonials that reflect the State Bar's commitment to its mission of public protection, diversity and inclusion, and access to justice for all Californians: one story at a time. This compilation video highlights the i...

California Rules of Professional Conduct, Rules 1.4 and 1.4.1.
To foster a strong relationship with their client, a lawyer must maintain effective communication. Rules 1.4 and 1.4.1. of the CA Rules of Professional Conduct establishes attorneys’ duties in communicating with their clients and enable the State B...

State Bar Stories: Ela and Iden Warnock
State Bar Stories are personal testimonials that reflect the State Bar's commitment to its mission of public protection, diversity and inclusion, and access to justice for all Californians: one story at a time. In this video short, Ela and Iden Warno...

State Bar Stories: Kyanti West
State Bar Stories are personal testimonials that reflect the State Bar's commitment to its mission of public protection, diversity and inclusion, and access to justice for all Californians: one story at a time. In this video short, Kyanti West shares...

State Bar Stories: Krysta Eslick
State Bar Stories are personal testimonials that reflect the State Bar's commitment to its mission of public protection, diversity and inclusion, and access to justice for all Californians: one story at a time. In this video, Krysta Eslick shares how...

State Bar Stories: Attorney Jeffery S. Vallens
State Bar Stories are personal testimonials that reflect the State Bar's commitment to its mission of public protection, diversity and inclusion, and access to justice for all Californians: one story at a time. In this video short, Attorney Jeffery S...

State Bar Stories: Attorney Samantha Feak
State Bar Stories are personal testimonials that reflect the State Bar's commitment to its mission of public protection, diversity and inclusion, and access to justice for all Californians: one story at a time. In this video short, attorney Samantha ...

State Bar Stories: Rose Ann Berton
State Bar Stories are personal testimonials that reflect the State Bar's commitment to its mission of public protection, diversity and inclusion, and access to justice for all Californians: one story at a time. In this video short, Rose Ann Berton sh...

State Bar Stories: Yolanda Jackson
State Bar Stories are personal testimonials that reflect the State Bar's commitment to its mission of public protection, diversity and inclusion, and access to justice for all Californians: one story at a time. In this video short, Justice & Diversit...

State Bar Stories: Marcela Barrios
State Bar Stories are personal testimonials that reflect the State Bar's commitment to its mission of public protection, diversity and inclusion, and access to justice for all Californians: one story at a time. In this video short, Marcela Barrios sh...

State Bar Stories: Virginia Rezai
State Bar Stories are personal testimonials that reflect the State Bar's commitment to its mission of public protection, diversity and inclusion, and access to justice for all Californians: one story at a time. In this video short, Virginia Mendoza R...

State Bar Day for Law Students and Bar Applicants March 2022
State Bar Day is a semiregular event where law students and State Bar applicants will learn about and have an opportunity to ask questions about: • Resources for wellness strategies from the Lawyer Assistance Program • Navigating the moral chara...

California Rules of Professional Conduct, Rule 8.4.1.
No one should be denied access to legal services based on their background, ability status, or gender expression. Most attorneys in California share the values of equity, inclusion, and fairness that make our Golden State great. But what happens when...

Basic Fee Arbitration Training 6-15-21
To receive MCLE credit View this recording to claim up to 2.75 hours of self-study MCLE credit (1.0 hour of legal ethics and 1.75 hours of general MCLE). See Minimum Continuing Legal Education Rule 2.83(A) regarding self-study credit: http://www.calb...

Learn what immigration consultants can and cannot do for you
Senior Attorney Abrahim Bagheri of the Office of Chief Trial Counsel gives information about what immigration consultants can and cannot do. Do you need to verify an immigration consultant's status? Check the Secretary of State's website, sos.ca.gov.

Aprenda acerca de lo que los asesores de inmigración pueden y no pueden hacer por usted
El abogado principal Abrahim Bagheri de la Oficina de Chief Trial Counsel brinda información sobre lo que los asesores de inmigración pueden y no pueden hacer. ¿Necesita verificar el estatus de un asesor de inmigración? Consulte el sitio web de l...

Be a lawyer. Make a difference. Interview with Golden State Warriors General Counsel David Kelly
Golden State Warriors General Counsel David Kelly encourages young people with diverse backgrounds to pursue a career in law.

October 2020 Bar Exam: Tools & Features in Performance Test
This video walk-through demonstrates how to access the options and tools available during the Bar Exam Performance Test in ExamSoft. Use the highlighter, open and close the popout window for the File and Library, open and close the question stem, ex...

California Attorney Practice Analysis Survey
Help us improve the California Bar Exam. Survey open now. Complete it to be eligible for free MCLE credit. Check your email for your personalized invitation from attorneypracticestudy@calbar.ca.gov

California Attorney Practice Analysis Survey
Help us improve the California Bar Exam. Survey open now. Complete it to be eligible for free MCLE credit. Check your email for your personalized invitation from attorneypracticestudy@calbar.ca.gov

California Attorney Practice Analysis Survey
Help us improve the California Bar Exam. Survey open now. Complete it to be eligible for free MCLE credit. Check your email for your personalized invitation from attorneypracticestudy@calbar.ca.gov

California Attorney Practice Analysis Survey
Help us improve the California Bar Exam. Survey open now. Complete it to be eligible for free MCLE credit. Check your email for your personalized invitation from attorneypracticestudy@calbar.ca.gov

California Attorney Practice Analysis Survey
Help us improve the California Bar Exam. Survey open now. Complete it to be eligible for free MCLE credit. Check your email for your personalized invitation from attorneypracticestudy@calbar.ca.gov

California Attorney Practice Analysis Survey
Help us improve the California Bar Exam. Survey open now. Complete it to be eligible for free MCLE credit. Check your email for your personalized invitation from attorneypracticestudy@calbar.ca.gov

California Attorney Practice Analysis Survey
Help us improve the California Bar Exam. Survey open now. Complete it to be eligible for free MCLE credit. Check your email for your personalized invitation from attorneypracticestudy@calbar.ca.gov

California Attorney Practice Analysis Survey
Help us improve the California Bar Exam. Survey open now. Complete it to be eligible for free MCLE credit. Check your email for your personalized invitation from attorneypracticestudy@calbar.ca.gov

State Bar of California
Chair of the State Bar of California's Board of Trustees Jason Lee Message to July Bar Exam Applicants

Task Force On Access Through Innovation Of Legal Services LA
Rebecca Sandefur Presents to State Bar of California Task Force on Access Through Innovation of Legal Services April 8, 2019

Tenga Precaución con los Notarios
The State Bar of California emite una advertencia importante sobre notarios. Lea la transcripción: http://www.calbar.ca.gov/Portals/0/documents/communications/Notarioscript.txt

Schemes, Scams & Rip offs Seminars Presentation
2015 Schemes, Scams & Rip offs Seminars Presentation, a video by the California Statewide Law Enforcement Association Read the transcript: http://www.calbar.ca.gov/Portals/0/documents/communications/Scam2_captions.txt

La campaña de alerta de fraude de inmigración
David Torres, miembro de la junta de la State Bar of California, avisa a los consumidores sobre el fraude de notarios y la inmigración. Lea la transcripción: http://www.calbar.ca.gov/Portals/0/documents/communications/David-Torres_script.txt State...

Schemes, Scams and Rip Offs Seminar
Government and law enforcement officials give seniors tools to fight fraud. A video by the California Statewide Law Enforcement Association Read the transcript: http://www.calbar.ca.gov/Portals/0/documents/communications/Schemescaptions.txt

Modest Means Incubator Project address by Justice Goodwin Liu
California Supreme Court Associate Justice Goodwin Liu addresses the audience at the first regional meeting of the Modest Means Incubator Project in San Francisco. Read the transcript: http://www.calbar.ca.gov/Portals/0/documents/communications/goodw...
