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Martin O'Malley's Session, NOSSCR 2024
Commissioner O'Malley speaks to NOSSCR at the 2024 National Conference in Nashville, TN.

NOSSCR CEO David Camp Walk-Up video
NOSSCR CEO, David Camp's walk-up video

NOSSCR Board thanks Commissioner O'Malley
NOSSCR Board members recorded thank you videos for SSA Commissioner, Martin O'Malley, for his work fixing the issues facing SSA and those who work in this field.

Martin O'Malley Walk-Up Video
SSA Commissioner, Martin O'Malley's Walk-Up video

Advocacy In Action: Rep Blake Moore (R-UT) Cites NOSSCR Letter at Ways & Means Hearing on 3/21/24
NOSSCR wrote a letter about the time savings produced simply by allowing for the digital sharing of information created by the IC/RC Status Report, and Congress took notice. On March 21, 2024, Rep. Blake Moore (R-UT) entered our letter into the Cong...

Park Final Interview Full
New NOSSCR President Sarah park discusses her experiences as a Social Security law;yer.

Voices of NOSSCR - Audrey Van Gilder
In honor of Women's History Month, NOSSCR member Audrey Van Gilder discusses her experiences as a woman attorney.

Christine Burnside - Voices of NOSSCR (Women's History Month)
In honor of Women's History Month, NOSSCR member Christine Burnside discusses her experiences as a woman lawyer.

Jessica Mitchell Voices of NOSSCR 2023
In honor of Women's History Month, NOSSCR member Jessica Mitchell discusses her experiences as a woman working in social security law.

NOSSCR's New Automated Referral Service for Social Security Disability Client Leads
Our new & improved referral service is now open! Learn how NOSSCR's member-only automated service can generate Social Security client leads for your practice.

NOSSCR 2021 Distinguished Service Awards
During the welcoming session of NOSSCR's 2021 annual virtual conference (and 42nd annual conference), Executive Director Barbara Silverstone Presented NOSSCR's Eileen P. Sweeney Distinguished Service Award to four worthy recipients: Thomas Sutton, ...

Why Join NOSSCR?
During this pandemic, a NOSSCR membership is more essential than ever to those representing Social Security disability claimants. NOSSCR is here for you, during this uncertain time and always, to make sure you know changes as they occur in the field,...

Our 40th Anniversary Logo!
We unveiled our special logo for our 40th anniversary in 2019 at our fall conference in San Francisco, CA. Watch the video to see how far we've come and to see the logo we will begin using in January 2019 for the year.

Senator Tom Harkin Accepting NOSSCR's Eileen P. Sweeney Distinguished Service Award
On Friday, December 1, 2017, the National Organization of Social Security Claimants’ Representatives (NOSSCR) presented the Eileen P. Sweeney Distinguished Service Award to former Iowa Senator, Tom Harkin. Continue reading: https://nosscr.org/news...

NOSSCR Conferences Are a Must for Social Security Disability Lawyers
“If you haven’t been to this NOSSCR conference, try to get to the next one.” –Tom Scully Chicago IL Details about NOSSCR membership: https://nosscr.org/benefits-nosscr-membership Sign up for the next conference this fall in Seattle: https://...

Why I’m a Sustaining Member of NOSSCR
“One thing I love about NOSSCR is their great conferences, which have good education programs and networking opportunities.” –Sean Cuddigan , NOSSCR Member, Omaha NE Details about NOSSCR membership: https://nosscr.org/benefits-nosscr-membershi...

Practice Social Security Disability Law? NOSSCR Conferences are a Must.
“I’ve been coming to NOSSCR conference for 15 years. There’s so much value to it – whether you’re a first-time practitioner or you’ve been doing this for 15 years. The speakers are just phenomenal.” –Stacy Thompson, NOSSCR Member, Col...

Why Social Security Disability Lawyers Should Come to Every NOSSCR Conference
“I come to every NOSSCR conference because there’s no better way to stay current, updated, and able to practice Social Security law.” –David Camp, NOSSCR Member, St. Louis, MO Details about NOSSCR membership: https://nosscr.org/benefits-noss...
