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Certified Elder Law Attorneys

The Certified Elder Law Attorney (CELA) designation by the National Elder Law Foundation (NELF) is a prestigious credential awarded to attorneys who demonstrate advanced expertise and substantial experience in elder law. To earn certification, attorneys must meet stringent criteria, including significant involvement in elder law cases and related legal matters, and successfully pass a comprehensive examination. This certification provides the public with a reliable way to identify highly qualified attorneys dedicated to representing seniors and individuals with special needs in complex elder law issues.

Search for Certified Elder Law Attorneys by the National Elder Law Foundation Board Certified Lawyers

About Us

To earn board certification in Elder Law from the National Elder Law Foundation (NELF), an attorney must demonstrate substantial, hands-on experience in handling legal matters related to aging, disability, and long-term care planning. This includes active involvement in at least 30 elder law matters, such as estate planning, guardianship proceedings, Medicaid or Veterans benefits applications, and cases involving the rights of seniors or individuals with special needs.

Additionally, the attorney must have significant experience in critical aspects of elder law practice, including advising clients on asset protection strategies, representing clients in contested proceedings, and addressing complex legal issues related to public benefits, capacity, and fiduciary responsibilities. These rigorous standards ensure that certified attorneys possess advanced skills in client advocacy, case management, and legal strategy, distinguishing them as leaders in elder law.



Certified Elder Law Specialists Active on Lawyer Legion

Dennis Michael Sandoval
Dennis M. Sandoval, a Professional Law Corporation
Riverside, CA
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Joseph Stuart Karp
The Karp Law Firm, P.A.
Palm Beach Gardens, FL
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Matthew Alan Linde
Matthew A. Linde, P.A.
Fort Myers, FL
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Martha Geisler Patterson
Geisler Patterson Law Firm
Burbank, CA
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Linda M Anderson-green
Anderson Elder Law
Media, PA
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James C Siebert
Law Office of James C. Siebert & Associates, P.C.
Arlington Heights, IL
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More About the Elder Law Certification

Requirements to Be a Certified Elder Law Attorney (CELA)

Section 5 of the Rules and Regulations adopted by NELF's board of certification set the minimum standards for certification. In order to earn a designation as a Certified Elder Law Attorney (CELA) the attorney must:

  • Be an attorney in good standing and licensed to practice law in at least one state or the District of Columbia;
  • Have at least five years experience;
  • Pass a comprehensive written examination on elder law issues;
  • Have an active legal practice with an average of at least 16 hours per week devoted to elder law during each of the three-years immediately preceding the application;
  • Show "substantial involvement" as an elder law attorney by handling at least 60 elder law matters during the past three-years;
  • Show participated in at least 45 hours of continuing legal education (CLE) classes in elder law during the preceding three-years; and
  • Submit at least five references from attorneys or judges familiar with the attorney's competence and qualifications in elder law.

Legal Definition of "Elder Law"

The legal definition of the term "Elder Law" refers to the representation of older persons and their families about issues that are often unique to senior citizens, including long-term and health planning. In many cases, the elderly person and his or her family or other representatives must plan for surrogate decision-making and issues surrounding the elderly person's legal capacity.

The elder law attorney may deal with the conservation, disposition, and administration of the older person's estate. Elder law attorneys should possess federal tax law experience to deal with the applicable tax consequences of the legal actions.

The NELF has identified the following twelve (12) categories of legal services provided in an Elder Law practice:

  • Health and Personal Care Planning;
  • Pre-Mortem Legal Planning;
  • Fiduciary Representation;
  • Legal Capacity Counseling;
  • Public Benefits Advice;
  • Special Needs Counseling;
  • Advice on Insurance Matters;
  • Resident Rights Advocacy;
  • Housing Counseling;
  • Employment and Retirement Advice;
  • Disability Discrimination Counseling; and
  • Litigation and Administrative Advocacy.

Elder law attorneys often identify issues of abuse, neglect, or exploitation of the elder person or the special needs person. Legal issues often arise with insurance, long-term care and retirement.

Lawyers focused on elder law often have experience helping their clients obtain public services such as Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security benefits, Supplemental Security Income, Veterans benefits and housing and food programs, as well as other resources.

Elder law encompasses knowledge about other specialty fields including familial law, federal tax law, trust, estate planning, probate, and wills.

Other Elder Law Specialty Certifications by Other Organizations

Directory of Certified Elder Law Specialists in the United States

Lawyer Legion offers a comprehensive national directory of lawyers board-certified in Elder Law by the National Elder Law Foundation (NELF), along with a broader directory of both certified and non-certified attorneys. This directory serves as a valuable resource for individuals and families seeking qualified legal representation in elder law matters, helping them find experienced professionals with demonstrated expertise and dedication to the field.

Lawyer Legion is the only commercial lawyer directory that fully acknowledges all ABA-accredited and NELF-certified specialization programs. It provides a dynamic platform showcasing virtually every lawyer who has earned these certifications, including specialists in Elder Law certified by NELF.

Use this directory to find board-certified specialists in elder law across the United States. Begin your search by selecting your state from the list below.

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