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International Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (IAML)

The International Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (IAML) is a worldwide association of practicing lawyer who focus on family law in their respective countries. Formed in 1986, the IAML works to improve the practice of law and administration of justice in divorce, family law, and child custody cases throughout the world.  

Since 1986, the IAML has grown to more than 620 Fellows representing more than 40 countries. The organization is made up of regional chapters including a USA Chapter, a European Chapter and a Canadian Chapter.

More than 90 IAML Fellows practice in countries spread throughout the rest of the world. IAML is registered in the United States as a not for profit corporation.

Become a Member in IAML

To become a member of IAML you should submit information to show that you meet the established criteria for membership within the organization. Membership of IAML is by invitation only and the process is detailed and rigorous.

Admission criteria includes being a practicing lawyer for at least 10 years with a strong emphasis on family law. To become a member, the attorney must:

  • be recognized by his or her peers as one of the most experienced and skilled family law practitioners in their jurisdiction;
  • have an international elements to their practice;
  • demonstrate a high level of competence in matters involving international family law issues; and
  • hold specialist accreditation or certification when required in his or her jurisdiction.

For USA candidates practicing family law, board certification in family law is required where it is available in the state in which the candidate practices. Additionally, family law attorneys who are member of the IAML might also belong to the American Academy of Marimonial Lawyers (AAML) or be nationally certified as a family law trial attorney.

Meetings of the IAML

Each year the IAML holds its annual meeting in a different location. Chapters also organize annual meetings in different locations each year. Meetings include programs on family law in which Fellow and guest speakers run workshops and presentations on international aspects of family law.

Other benefits of membership include networking opportunities and having a more united voice in legal reform efforts.

This article was last updated on Tuesday, December 31, 2019.