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Pinellas Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (PACDL)

About the PACDL

Mission and History

The Pinellas Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (PACDL) serves attorney practicing in the Sixth Judicial Circuit in the courthouses in Clearwater and St. Petersburg. Members include private attorneys, regional conflict counsel, and public defenders in both state and federal court.


This affiliate and county chapter of the Florida Association of Criminal Defense Attorneys (FACDL) has more than 60 members.


Contact the PACDL

Pinellas Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (PACDL)

More About the PACDL

Benefits of Membership in the PCACDL

For criminal defense attorneys in Pinellas County, FL, the benefits of joining PACDL include:

  • networking opportunities with other experienced criminal defense lawyers;
  • a listing on PACDL's public membership directory with a link back to the attorney's websites;
  • invitations to events held throughout the year;
  • monthly meetings where important topics of common concern are discussed; and
  • opportunities to attend quality continuing legal education (CLE) seminars.