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Colorado Criminal Defense Bar (CCDB)

About the CCDB


  • Founded: 1979
  • Founder: Michael F. DiManna, William Gray, Harold A. Haddon, Gary M. Jackson, Bryan Morgan, Peter H. Ney, and Stanley Marks
  • Focus: Criminal Defense
  • Location: Denver, Colorado
  • Website: ccdb.org
  • Members: 1000
  • President: Brian Williamson
  • Executive Director: Kathleen Brockel

Mission and History

The Colorado Criminal Defense Bar (CCDB) was founded on founded May 8, 1979. The CCDB is a statewide organization of criminal defense attorneys, private investigators, and legal experts who are dedicated to protecting the rights of the accused and is opposed to the death penalty. 

The CCDB serves as a professional organization for Colorado criminal defense lawyers. The CCDB provides support and training to criminal defense practitioners, public defenders, paralegals, and investigators throughout the state of Colorado. The CCDB equips its members with the tools to better represent clients and improve the criminal justice system of Colorado. 

The CCDB is affiliated with the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL) in mission, function, and goals.



Board of Directors

Brian Williamson
Brian Williamson
Denver, CO
Janene K McCabe
Boulder, CO
Beale Tejada
Beale Tejada
President Elect
Denver, CO

Past Presidents

Jay Marcus Tiftickjian
Denver, CO
Kathleen Sinnott McGuire
Castle Rock, CO
Darren R Cantor
Denver, CO

The Jonathan Olom Award

The Jonathan Olom Award was established by CCDB in 1985 to serve as a memorial to the remarkable Colorado defense attorney, Jonathan Olom. Designed to perpetuate and encourage others to follow the principles that he lived and practiced by. The Jonathan Olom Award is presented annually to an outstanding member of the criminal defense community based on the activities and accomplishments over his or her career.  Factors considered by the nominating committee include a willingness to defend an accused without regard to public sentiment, personal advancement, or profit; professional excellence displayed in the face of adversity; adherence to high ethical standards; a willingness to assist, teach, and advise other practitioners; and a willingness to explore and develop criminal law and criminal advocacy to protect the rights of the accused and the innocent.  This award is to be given to a defender who best demonstrates the above qualities regardless of the type of work, big or small.

Robert "Bob" Pepin
Denver, CO
Alice Louise Norman
Denver, CO
David S Kaplan
Denver, CO

CCDB Members Active on Lawyer Legion

Matthew A Martin
Law Office of Matthew A. Martin, P.C.
Denver, CO
View Profile · Visit Website
Rhidian David Watson Orr
The Orr Law Firm, L.L.C.
Denver, CO
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Jay Marcus Tiftickjian
Tiftickjian Law Firm, P.C.
Denver, CO
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Ann Toney
Ann Toney, P.C.
Denver, CO
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Leonard I Frieling
Leonard I. Frieling, P.C.
Lafayette, CO
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Joseph Anthony Lazzara
Law Office Of Joseph A. Lazzara, P.C.
Greenwood Village, CO
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Contact the CCDB

Colorado Criminal Defense Bar (CCDB)
1120 Lincoln Street Ste 1109
Denver, CO 80203
Office: (303) 758-2454

More about the CCDB

Benefits of Membership

The benefits of becoming a member of the Colorado Criminal Defense Bar include:

  • Receive CCDB’s Rap Sheet, a quarterly publication which provides important information on news, case law updates, and legislative actions;
  • Access to the CCDB Listserv;
  • Inclusion in the annual CCDB Membership Directory;
  • Access to CCDB's motion and brief bank;
  • Use of the CCDB ethics hotline;
  • Opportunity to join local and regional chapters;
  • Involvement in specialty divisions such as the Women Defenders' Division or the Young Lawyers Division;
  • Opportunity to influence policy development on criminal justice issues through lobby activities or amicus committee activities;
  • Defense training opportunities through CLE courses including the CCDB Roadshows on recent criminal appellate cases and better DUI/DWAI defense;
  • Access to free case law search resources; and
  • Access to meeting space at the CCDB’s Denver office.

Directory of Criminal Defense Lawyers in Colorado

Lawyer Legion maintains a statewide directory of criminal defense lawyers in Colorado which includes both CCDB members and non-members amongst a broader directory of Colorado attorneys. To help the public find the best choices when searching for a criminal defense attorney, Lawyer Legion recognizes attorneys for their involvement and leadership within the CCDB and other professional associations. This includes recognition for CCDB Past Presidents, Life Members, and CCDB members who have updated their Lawyer Legion profile with information about their involvement with the CCDB.

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