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Indiana Trial Lawyers Association (ITLA)

About the ITLA


  • Founded: 1956
  • Location: Indianapolis, Indiana

Mission and History

The Indiana Trial Lawyers Association (ITLA) is headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana, and was established in 1956. The organization is dedicated to the constitutional rights of open access to the courts and equal protection under the law. Members include many of the top civil trial attorneys in the State of Indiana, focusing on a variety of civil cases.

In addition to being a professional organization for Indiana personal injury lawyers, ITLA also advocates for the right to a jury by lobbying the Legislature and through its political arm, the ITLA LAW Political Action Committee (PAC). The LAW PAC advocates for nonpartisan support of candidates for the Indiana House and Senate who support equal justice under the law in civil cases. It can raise funds and make political expenditures for and against candidates.

ITLA members handle a wide range of different types of claims, including personal injury, medical malpractice, wrongful death, worker's compensation, and social security disability law.



Executive Committee

Frederick William Schultz
Bloomington, IN
Mark C Ladendorf
Indianapolis, IN
Daniel Henry Pfeifer
Vice President
South Bend, IN

Board of Directors

Kate Brown-Henry
Indianapolis, IN
Stephen Marcel Wagner
Indianapolis, IN
Rex E Baker
Avon, IN

Past Presidents

Franklin D Julian Jr
South Bend, IN
Daniel Sherwood Chamberlain
Indianapolis, IN
John Paul Young
Indianapolis, IN

ITLA Members Active on Lawyer Legion

Frederick Walter Crow
Young & Young Lawyers
Indianapolis, IN
View Profile
Stephen Marcel Wagner
Wagner Reese, LLP
Indianapolis, IN
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Susannah Hall-Justice
Hall-Justice Law Firm
Lafayette, IN
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Jason Reese
Wagner Reese
Indianapolis, IN
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Henry J. Price
Price Waicukauski & Riley, LLC
Indianapolis, IN
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Donald W Ward
Ward & Ward
Indianapolis, IN
View Profile

Contact the ITLA

Indiana Trial Lawyers Association (ITLA)
150 West Market Street Suite 210
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Office: (317) 634-8841

Online Profiles

Directory of Personal Injury Lawyers in Indiana

Lawyer Legion maintains a statewide directory of personal injury lawyers in Indiana which includes both ITLA members and non-members amongst a broader directory of lawyers in Indiana. To help the public find the best choices when searching for a personal injury attorney, Lawyer Legion recognizes attorneys for their involvement and leadership within the ITLA and other professional associations. This includes recognition for ITLA members who have updated their Lawyer Legion profile to include information about their involvement with the ITLA.

Use this directory to find an Indiana personal injury lawyer in your local area. Start by choosing your county from the list below.

More About the ITLA

Benefits of Membership

Benefits of joining the Indiana Trial Lawyers Association include:

  • Discounts on many of the best CLE seminars offered in the state as well as access to on-line CLE seminars hosted by ITLA;
  • Leadership and networking opportunities in the organization;
  • Access to the members only section of IndianaTrialLawyers.org, including list server messages, document bank, seminar materials, EClips, and verdict article index;
  • Access to TrialSmith documents including a deposition bank, briefs and motions, legal forms. and expert database
  • Access to ITLA publications including "The Verdict" an quarterly magazine with timely articles on hot topics including personal injury, medical malpractice product liability, premise liability and consumer right;
  • Complimentary meeting room for ITLA members at the headquarters in Indianapolis, Indiana; and
  • Subscription to ITLA's quarterly magazine.


Members in ITLA have an opportunity to get involved and take leadership positions within various lawyer sections including the Women's Caucus Section, the Worker's Compensation Section, and the Young Lawyers Section.

  • The Women's Caucus Section serves the interests of female lawyers within the organization.
  • The Workers' Compensation Section serves the interests of ITLA members who take worker's compensation cases. Members of the Worker's Compensation Section enjoy a special listserve and invitation to a CLE seminar devoted exclusively to Worker's Compensation.
  • The Young Lawyers Section is open to attorneys who have been out of law school for 10 years or less. The YLS hosts several special events throughout the year, including happy hours and outings to local sports events. The Young Lawyers Section also has a special listserve for its members in this section.


The Indiana Trial Lawyer Association has four active committees:

  • Executive
  • Government Affairs
  • Nominating
  • Amicus Curiae

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