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San Francisco Trial Lawyers Association SFTLA

About the SFTLA


  • Founded: 1950
  • Location: San Francisco, California

Mission and History

Founded in 1950, the San Francisco Trial Lawyers Association (SFTLA) promotes civil justice through education and trial advocacy throughout Northern California. The organization has more than 860 members including plaintiffs attorneys, defense attorneys, law students, and law office support staff.

For the past sixty years, SFTLA has served the plaintiff's bar through quality CLE seminars and networking opportunities. The SFTLA is committed to preserving access within the civil justice system for everyone. It brings attorneys together with members of the Bench and local legislators.

In addition to serving civil trial and personal injury attorneys in San Francisco, California, the SFTLA also provides opportunities to law students through internships, fellowships, and cooperation with law student chapters.




SFTLA 71st Anniversary History Project


SFTLA Past Presidents

Chuck Geerhart
San Francisco, CA
Richard Boone Callaway
San Francisco, CA
Robert Eugene Cartwright Jr
San Francisco, CA
Karine Bohbot
Karine Bohbot
Anthony Lawrence Label
San Francisco, CA
Christopher B Dolan
San Francisco, CA
Doris Cheng
San Francisco, CA
Terrence Joseph Coleman
San Francisco, CA
Todd Michael Schneider
Emeryville, CA

Contact the SFTLA

San Francisco Trial Lawyers Association SFTLA
605 Market St. Suite 305
San Francisco, CA 94105
Office: (415) 956-6401

Online Profiles

Directory of Personal Injury Lawyers in San Francisco County, CA

Lawyer Legion maintains a local directory of personal injury lawyers in San Francisco, CA which includes both SFTLA members and non-members amongst a broader directory of attorneys in California. To help the public find the best choices when searching for a personal injury attorney, Lawyer Legion recognizes attorneys for their involvement and leadership within the SFTLA and other professional associations.

More About the SFTLA

Benefits of Membership in the SFTLA

The benefits of membership in the San Francisco Trial Lawyers Association include:

  • Access to the Listserve where members and browse, search archives, and post messages;
  • A listing on the public membership directory;
  • A subscription to The Trial Lawyer, SFTLA's magazine for attorneys, judges, and others in the legal profession;
  • Discounts on group health plan;
  • Invitations to networking and social events; and
  • Discounted rates on SFTLA MCLE seminars.

Committees of SFTLA

Members are encouraged to take on leadership roles within the organization through the various committees of the San Francisco Trial Lawyers Association (SFTLA).

The various committees include:

  • Women's Caucus - highlight issues impacting female trial attorneys;
  • Community Involvement Committee - sponsors five to six community projects in the San Francisco area annually;
  • Carlene Caldwell Scholarship Committee - hosts an annual Mock Trial competition between four San Francisco Law Schools;
  • Diversity Committee - promote diversity within the organization and helps law students in their pursuit of justice through the Trial Advocacy Fellowship;
  • ADR Oversight Committee - monitors the providers of alternative dispute resolution and mandatory arbitration to ensure they are complying with applicable law and best practices;
  • Education Committee - develops and produces continuing legal education programs;
  • Experts Committee - develops programs and materials related to expert witness for the benefit of the membership of SFTLA;
  • Finance Committee - assists the Treasurer of the SFTLA and makes recommendations to the Board;
  • Magazine Committee - develops and produces the membership publication The Trial Lawyer;
  • Membership Committee - helps maintain and grow the SFTLA membership;
  • New Lawyers Division - creates programs and events for new lawyers; and
  • Trial Court Oversight Committee - provides trial court oversight by monitoring the operation of the area courts.

History of the SFTLA

From its beginnings in 1950 with informal meetings to its incorporation on May 3, 1983, the association has continued to grow larger. Before its incorporation, the association was a chapter of the California Trial Lawyers Association. Its offices moved in 1983 from Market Street to the Standard Oil Building.

Over the years, the SFTLA has gained a reputation as the largest and most respected organization of civil justice lawyers in the San Francisco Bay area.

Joining the SFTLA

Many of the top personal injury attorneys in San Francisco, CA, belong to the San Francisco Trial Lawyers Association.

The organization provides discounted rates on many of the best continuing legal education (MCLE) offered to civil trial attorneys each year. Members enjoy a free subscription to SFTLA's quarterly newsletter, The Trial Lawyer, and access to SFTLA's MCLE video library.

Perhaps most importantly, members enjoy networking opportunities with other attorneys in San Francisco, CA, fighting similar battles in the courtroom.

Learn more about personal injury law in Calfornia.

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